
Another social economy

Primary LanguageJava

Required tools

- SUN Java SDK 1.6: from http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp
- Eclipse 3.5+: from http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ or Aptana 2.0+: from http://aptana.com/products/studio2/download
- Linux/Ubuntu or Windows/MSysGit 1.6: from http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/ -- follow directions from http://help.github.com/win-git-installation/

Initial development environment setup

* "~twetailerJ" is considered being the twetailerJ home directory, probably something like "c:\workspaces\twetailerJ".

1. Install the Java SDK, Eclipse, and MSysGit (last one if you're on Windows)

2. For the github.com page, fork the twetailerJ project (details on http://help.github.com/forking/)
3. Add the git alias: git remote add dom git://github.com/DomDerrien/twetailerJ.git
4. Add the alias for your fork: git remote add <your-id> git://github.com/<your-id>/twetailerJ.git
5. As explained at http://github.com/guides/keeping-a-git-fork-in-sync-with-the-forked-repo, edit the "~twetailerJ\.git\config" file with:
        pu = !"git fetch dom -v; git fetch <your-id> -v; git merge <your-id>/master"

6. Extract "~twetailerJ\deps\tools\system\apache-ant-*.zip" in "~twetailerJ\bin"
7. Extract "~twetailerJ\deps\tools\containers\appengine-java-*.zip" in "~twetailerJ\bin"

8. In a normal Windows Command Line Prompt, from the project top directory (i.e. from "~twetailerJ"), run the command: "build\init.bat"

Refresh from git hub before day-to-day development

1. From the Git Command Line Prompt, go to the "~twetailerJ" folder and run the command "git pu" (call the alias defined above).

2. From the Windows Command Line Prompt window:
    2.1 Run build: "build\init.bat"
    2.2 Run tests: "build\test-entire-project.bat"
    2.3 Start App Engine server: "build\run-dev-server.bat"
    2.4 Open http://localhost:9999/ for local Console, or, http://localhost:9999/_ah/admin for local Google App Engine 

Work and submit your updates

Please, look at the webcast http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/e/1394.

If needed, follow-up with questions added to http://twetailer.cyn.in/home/developers/oreilly-git-in-one-hour.

Pre-production environment

The production-ready application is deployed with the App Engine identifier 'anothersocialeconomy'.
This is the default identifier. However, it's possible to deploy the application with the 
identifier 'twetailer' (all corresponding entry points use 'twetailer' in place of 

=> Override the App Engine identifier in your ~/local.host.properties file:
  app.appEngineId = twetailer

To clean-up the database, as after a series of tests for example, you can run the following URLs,
select all returned results, and delete all of them.

https://appengine.google.com/datastore/explorer?app_id=twetailer&viewby=gql&query=SELECT *FROM Consumer&limit=200
https://appengine.google.com/datastore/explorer?app_id=twetailer&viewby=gql&query=SELECT *FROM Demand&limit=200
https://appengine.google.com/datastore/explorer?app_id=twetailer&viewby=gql&query=SELECT *FROM Location&limit=200
https://appengine.google.com/datastore/explorer?app_id=twetailer&viewby=gql&query=SELECT *FROM Proposal&limit=200
https://appengine.google.com/datastore/explorer?app_id=twetailer&viewby=gql&query=SELECT *FROM RawCommand&limit=200
https://appengine.google.com/datastore/explorer?app_id=twetailer&viewby=gql&query=SELECT *FROM SaleAssociate&limit=200
https://appengine.google.com/datastore/explorer?app_id=twetailer&viewby=gql&query=SELECT *FROM Seed&limit=200
https://appengine.google.com/datastore/explorer?app_id=twetailer&viewby=gql&query=SELECT *FROM Store&limit=200

The path to create a new environment:
- login to twetailer.appspot.com/console/ with one account -- this will create a Consumer record
- open twetailer.appspot.com/_admin/registration.jsp
- create a Location, a Store, and a SaleAssociate record (link this one to the Consumer record)