
zilpzalp ZMK firmware

A wonky 28-key split-unibody column-stagger keyboard.

Here you can find the hardware files.
Here you can find the QMK config for zilpzalp.


  • fork this repo
  • git clone your repo, to create a local copy on your PC (you can use the command line or github desktop)
  • adjust the zilpzalp.keymap file (find all the keycodes on the zmk docs pages)
  • git push your repo to your fork
  • on the GitHub page of your fork navigate to "Actions"
  • scroll down and unzip the firmware.zip archive that contains the latest firmware
  • connect the zilpzalp to your PC, press reset and hold the boot key during reset
  • the keyboard should now appear as a mass storage device
  • drag'n'drop the zilpzalp-seeeduino_xiao_ble-zmk.uf2 file from the archive onto the storage device


On macOs you might get an error stating that the operation can’t be completed unexpected error 100093. You can circumvent this by copying the file from your terminal:

  • move the zilpzalp-seeeduino_xiao_ble-zmk.uf2 to your root directory
  • copy the file onto the zilpzalp volume: cp -X zilpzalp-seeeduino_xiao_ble-zmk.uf2 ../../Volumes/<volume_name>/