
:sparkles: A Clear Sans port for iOS


My iOS port of Intel's open font Clear Sans. 30+ hours of work and counting into this. I'll keep updating as regularly as required. 2100+ downloads to date.

iOS7 only at the moment. Yes, It will be made to work for iOS 8 as soon as possible, but bear with me on that. It largely functions on iOS 8, but the system changes made by Apple on iOS 8 make a complete re-work necessary to fix outstanding issues and ensure compatibility going forwards.

The easiest way to apply this is by:

  • Jailbreak your iDevice, Download 'Bytafont 2'.
  • Download/Clone this repo, FTP into your iDevice, go to var > mobile > Library > MyFonts2 and drop the ClearSans.font folder into there.
  • Open up 'Bytafont 2', under 'Basic' choose 'Clear Sans' and apply.

Please note there are two different licenses applied to this port. The first is the officially necessary license applied by Intel and mandated to accompany any usage of Clear Sans. The second license is to cover my own work, and is a CC0 1.0 Universal license.

In short, you can use my work as you like, without any restriction, need for compensation, attribution & for commercial or non-commercial usage. The Apache license mandated by Intel is similar, but retains the mandate that their license must be included in all derivative products.

If you wish to donate I would certainly appreciate that. You can also TipMe in Bitcoin here.