
In the third part of the tutorial, I show how to create a fargate resource on AWS with terraform.

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Fully Automated NextJS Builds/Deployments (GitHub, AWS ECR, Fargate Service, ECS)- Part 3/4

In the last part, we focused on the GitHub workflows and authentication between GitHub and AWS using OIDC. We are now ready to get our app running on AWS as a container. As the title of this tutorial reveals, we will use Terraform for automated resource provisioning. Terraform

So it’s time to take a closer look at Terraform and the idea of Infrastructure as Code (IAC). In the first part, I already wrote:

Terraform is an “Infrastructure as Code” (IAC for short) tool. IAC allows you to define, deploy and update infrastructure with code. Basically, everything needed to run an application is represented in code. That is, servers, databases, networks, configuration, logging, documentation, testing, deployment processes. IAC is the foundation for running modern applications in a cloud environment.

Check out the article on MEDIUM for the full article.

Read the German version of this INUVEON.