
TFT new onboard display for Arducopter/Pixhawk

Primary LanguageC++


TFT onboard display for Arducopter/Pixhawk

Show informations with a cheap TFT Display 128x160 and arduino nano


This display is an extension of the onboard display SSD1306 the difference is the possibility to show more useful information for a complete pre-arm check.

The components required are :

  • Display TFT 120x180 (ST7735)
  • Arduino Nano
  • Optional resistors for analog cell voltage input

How does it work ?

The mechanis is simple , a Mavlinkprocessor establish a comunication with a FlightController and require the stream messages.

void MavlinkProcessor::tryToConnectToAPM() {
	uint16_t len = 0;
	last_connection = (millis() - heartbeat_timer);
	if (millis() - heartbeat_timer > 1500UL) {
		heartbeat_timer = millis();
		if (true) {    // Start requesting data streams from MavLink
			digitalWrite(alive_led_pin, HIGH);
			mavlink_msg_request_data_stream_pack(0xFF, 0xBE, &msg, 1, 1,
			len = mavlink_msg_to_send_buffer(buf, &msg);
			MavLinkSerial.write(buf, len);

Once the connection is established , the processore read the messages and store the informations to the appropriate structure

	  //float   groundspeed;                // Current ground speed in m/s
	  //uint16_t   heading;                    // Current heading in degrees, in compass units (0..360, 0=north)
	  //uint16_t   throttle;                   // Current throttle setting in integer percent, 0 to 100
	  //int32_t    bar_altitude;               // 100 = 1m
	  //float    climb_rate;              // 100= 1m/s
	  mavlink_vfr_hud_t hud_raw;

	  mavlink_attitude_t attitude;

	  uint16_t   mission_current_seq ;

mavlink_rc_channels_raw_t rc_raw;

The class TFT implement the Adafruit library ,and provide with set of methods to write the data on the display

switch (mav_telemetry.gps_raw.fix_type) {
	case 0:
		strcpy(text, "No Fix");
	case 1:
		strcpy(text, "No Fix");
	case 2:
		strcpy(text, "2D Fix");
	case 3:
		strcpy(text, "3D Fix");
	drawtext(text, ST7735_WHITE, ST7735_BLACK, 72, 24);
	drawtext(mav_telemetry.gps_raw.satellites_visible, ST7735_WHITE,
			ST7735_BLACK, 84, getCursorY() + offsY);
	drawtext(mav_telemetry.gps_raw.eph, ST7735_WHITE, ST7735_BLACK, 84,
			getCursorY() + offsY);
	drawtext((float) mav_telemetry.sys_status.voltage_battery / 1000.0,
			ST7735_WHITE, ST7735_BLACK, 2, 3, 84, getCursorY() + offsY);
	drawtext(mav_telemetry.status_text.text, ST7735_ORANGE, ST7735_BLACK, 0,
			getCursorY() + offsY);

actualScreen = PSYS;

The informations are showed on the page for fuctionality, a pushbutton is used to move around the pages. To improve the perfomance the strings are stored in the program space see Resource. it's very important to keep low the cycle time (100-300ms) for this reason every page start or stop a stream rate of messages. Only the relative message showed to the display is required.

The page Battery show up 4 cell voltage. A votage divided ratio is necessary to reference the voltage to 1.1V (internal reference Atmega328)

Electrical drawing

PCB Design PCB Design

PCB Design Shape W=60mm H=50mm

Armed/Disarmed Heading CH1....CH8 bargraph Roll
GPS Status (Fix,no Fix ,ec..) Groundspeed RSSI Pitch
GPS Sat/HDOP Alt ... Yaw
GPS number Climb ... Rollspeed
Message text Throttle ... Pitchspeed
... ... ... Yawspeed

Watch the video

The enviroment used to build the project Eclipse Cpp 2018-09 with extension for Arduino program

Inspirated By MavlinkSmartPort