Pinned Repositories
The Atlas Logger is used to create the atlas files in your resource packs after the 1.19.3 update broke them.
Brain Games will be a group project much like Project Run where a bunch of mapmakers come together to make one grand experience. The map this time will be specifically about puzzles and problem-solving.
ChatBox is a data pack utility for generating and displaying custom dialogue boxes in Minecraft: Java Edition.
A collection of scripts and tools for studying the Collatz conjecture.
The Database Library is a module for Dom's Nexus that adds an NBT storage database system commonly used for inventory save states and player-specific NBT.
Dom's Nexus is a data pack library and framework designed to make Minecraft mapmaking easier and more streamlined, and to introduce various functions to allow for very sophisticated mechanics.
The Module Manager is used to create blank template modules for Dom's Nexus, and can also update the version numbers of existing modules.
Project Run 2 is a large-scale collaborative project consisting of sections linked end-to-end in a branching tree in a giant race/obstacle course.
The Resource Pack Merger is used to merge several resource packs into one for use with the Dom's Nexus module collection.
The Template Module is a module for Dom's Nexus that adds various functionality and serves as a reference for how to make proper modules.
Dominexis's Repositories
The Atlas Logger is used to create the atlas files in your resource packs after the 1.19.3 update broke them.
Dom's Nexus is a data pack library and framework designed to make Minecraft mapmaking easier and more streamlined, and to introduce various functions to allow for very sophisticated mechanics.
Project Run 2 is a large-scale collaborative project consisting of sections linked end-to-end in a branching tree in a giant race/obstacle course.
The Resource Pack Merger is used to merge several resource packs into one for use with the Dom's Nexus module collection.
ChatBox is a data pack utility for generating and displaying custom dialogue boxes in Minecraft: Java Edition.
The Database Library is a module for Dom's Nexus that adds an NBT storage database system commonly used for inventory save states and player-specific NBT.
The Module Manager is used to create blank template modules for Dom's Nexus, and can also update the version numbers of existing modules.
The Template Module is a module for Dom's Nexus that adds various functionality and serves as a reference for how to make proper modules.
Brain Games will be a group project much like Project Run where a bunch of mapmakers come together to make one grand experience. The map this time will be specifically about puzzles and problem-solving.
The Minecraft Commands personal assistant.
The External Time Measurer makes the lag manager in Dom's Nexus work with data packs that are not hooked into the Nexus framework.
The Function Tree Library is a module for Dom's Nexus that adds a function tree system used to execute arbitrary functions in a score-driven space.
Storing legacy versions of my public projects for download.
Time Keeper is a small data pack used to track real time progression with the world border.
The World Exporter is used to export Bedrock worlds into the .mcworld format, as well as gather up any packs which are installed.