
Open Source Hosting https://www.hostsharing.net

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This Ansible playbook will install the latest Wordpress release on a server from www.hostsharing.net.

To use these modules we have to create a file named ".hsadmin.properties" in the home directory of the package admins. In it we have to insert the packagename and password of the package admin.


xyz00@h99:~$ cat .hsadmin.properties 

This file should be protected, else it would be world readable:

xyz00@h99:~$ chmod 600 .hsadmin.properties

We clone this git-repo to our machine:

$ git clone https://github.com/Dominic-Schlegel/Hostsharing-Ansible-Wordpress.git

Then we change the working directory:

$ cd Hostsharing-Ansible-Wordpress

All needed parameters can be set in the inventory file now. Change xyz00 to the name of your package admin. Set the name of a new user and a password. This username and password will be used in the database installation process too (database-name: xyz00_user). Please consider changing them both (NewUser-password in HSAdmin and Database-password) after the installation. We can edit the inventory file with:

$ vim inventory

Now the Option -i can be used to read this inventory file instead of the /etc/ansible/hosts file. If we want to login with an SSH-Key instead of an SSH-Password, we have to remove the -k option from the following string. The -K is needed to prompt us once for the sudo password of the new user.

To prepare everything for the Wordpress installation (including a mysql database) we run:

$ ansible-playbook -i inventory playbook-wordpress.yml -k -K

Now we can reach the Wordpress config script via:


or via the domain set in the inventory file.

--- Open Source Hosting --- https://www.hostsharing.net