ECVT Realtime Viewer

How to use

  1. git clone somewhere convenient
  2. CD into the folder if you haven't already

Building the frontend

  1. cd frontend - CD into frontend from the project root
  2. npm install - install dependencies
  3. npm run build - builds necessary frontend files and readies them for upload

Uploading the code

  1. Make sure the ESP32 is plugged in via USB
  2. pio run -t uploadfs - this uploads frontend (filesystem) data
  3. pio run -t upload - this uploads the actual code

Using the project

  1. Make sure the ESP is plugged into a serial data source on pin GPIO 16 and power
  2. Connect to its WiFi network once it's started (default ssid ecvt_data, password 123456789)
  3. Go to http://ecvt.local/ (or to open the interface.
    1. NOTE: Make sure you use Chrome or the new Edge for file downloads to work!!! Untested in Safari but confirmed not working with Brave!
  4. View real-time data or download as needed!

Modifying the data format

If the data struct changes, you need to modify it in two places.

NOTE: MAKE SURE THE COMMUNICATIONS STRUCT IS PACKED BY ADDING __attribute__((packed)); TO THE END OF IT!!!!!!! This makes sure there are no empty alignment bytes present that will break parsing in confusing ways.

struct Data
} __attribute__((packed));
  1. Replace Communication.h in ./include with the new (PACKED) version.
  2. Modify the struct in ./frontend/src/App.svelte to match the new format.
    1. Keep the object flat (no sub-structs or objects) or CSV serialization will break.
    2. The order and types need to be identical to the C struct, or parsing will break.
    3. IE. if an int16 representing sheave pressure was added, add primarySheavePressure: ctypes.int16 in the same place as the C struct.
  3. Re-build the frontend
  4. Re-upload the code

The code you need to modify in App.svelte:

const ct = ctypes.cStruct({
   startBytes: ctypes.uint16,
   time: ctypes.uint32,

    // Engine
    engineEngaged: ctypes.boolean,
    engineState: ctypes.int8,
    engineSpeed: ctypes.int16,
    enginePID: ctypes.int16,
    engineP: ctypes.int16,
    engineI: ctypes.int16,
    engineD: ctypes.int16,

    // Primary
    primaryState: ctypes.int8,
    primaryEnc: ctypes.int32,
    primaryLC: ctypes.int16,
    primaryPID: ctypes.int16,

    // Secondary
    secondaryState: ctypes.int8,
    secondaryEnc: ctypes.int32,
    secondaryLC: ctypes.int16,
    secondaryPID: ctypes.int16,

ESP Pinout Diagram

ESP Pinout