
An example of using Node, Passport and UNiDAYS Connect

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Testing Passport JS and OAuth

I hope this example helps. It works for the most basic happy path. If needed I can expand on it. The example uses EJS and a cookieSession for convenience.


In order to use the application you will need to create a keys.js file in /config. Add your unidays client id and secret.

module.exports = {
        unidays: {
            clientID: '',
            clientSecret: ''
        session: {
            cookieKey: 'testing'

Restore packages

npm install

Run with JSON Server

You need to run two commands: npm run serve and npm run json-serve. You can run these in two different terminals or run together in bash with something like:

(trap 'kill 0' SIGINT; npm run json-serve & npm run serve)

That will allow you to press ctl+c and kill both processes at once.


User data is stored in a JSON file using json-server. It's just a handy way of stashing the data and checking it's there. This data will persist over sessions but the data won't commit to source control unless .gitignore is changed.

An example user looks like:

      "id": "7X1AOcesrI48+fsrfsdfsdsdss3354456=",
      "email": "billy.manilly@example.com",
      "given_name": "Billy",
      "family_name": "Manilly",
      "country_of_study": "GBR",
      "verification_status": {
        "verified": true,
        "user_type": "student"

Providing they allow the data sharing request and you have permission to access the scopes used in the example.


  • This repo is just for testing the OAUth installation with UNiDAYS
  • json-server obvs won't work in production (but it's great fun for testing!)
  • let me know if there's any issues!
  • full details of the oauth product from unidays are here https://live-analytics.myunidays.com/tools/oauth