
Visualise crime by post code

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Crime Finder app

An interactive React app that allows users to search a postcode and receive information about crimes in the given location. Third-party apis are used to obtain the crime data and it is visualised in the form of charts and a map.

Getting started

Follow these instructions to get a local copy of the project up and running on your machine.


You will need an API key from locationIQ in order to use the search bar. This key is used for geocoding the users postcode into geographic coordinates.


Clone this repo and cd into it

git clone
cd crime-visualiser

Run this command to install the project dependencies:

npm i

In the root directory create a .env file and add the following inside it, where 'yourkey' is the API key you recieved from locationIQ


To view the app on localhost, run:

npm start


To run tests on the util function, type the following in your terminal:

npm test

Built using


Humayraa Mulla & Dominic Hui