
This is the initial prototype of our model that will help us in our final year project titled AI POWERED PEST AND DISEASES IDENTIFICATION AND REMEDY RECOMENDATIONS IN PLANTS BY Dominic Makana Ocharo and Shadrack Ian Onjiri

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Introducing Our Innovative Plant Health Diagnosis Project

We are thrilled to unveil our ambitious AI/Machine Learning final year school project, a collaborative effort between myself and my partner, Shadrack Ian Onjiri. Our project aims to revolutionize plant health diagnosis by developing a physical model capable of analyzing the leaves of various plants to identify pests or diseases and recommend effective remedies.

Project Overview

Our project leverages cutting-edge image recognition techniques to analyze leaf images and detect abnormalities indicative of pests or diseases. Using a convolutional neural network trained on a diverse dataset of images, including those of healthy leaves and leaves affected by various pests and diseases, our system can accurately identify plant health issues.

Innovative Features

One of the key features of our project is its integration with a comprehensive database containing information about common pests and diseases, along with their corresponding remedies. Once a plant health issue is identified, our system provides tailored recommendations for treatment, empowering farmers, gardeners, and individuals to effectively address the problem.

User-Friendly Interface

We understand the importance of simplicity and accessibility, which is why our project includes an intuitive interface designed for ease of use. Users can simply upload images of affected leaves to receive prompt diagnosis and treatment recommendations, saving time, money, and effort.

Potential Impact

We believe that our project has the potential to significantly impact plant health management practices. By enabling early detection of pests and diseases, our system can prevent extensive damage to crops and promote sustainable agricultural practices. Moreover, the wealth of data collected through our platform can contribute to ongoing research and analysis in the field of plant health.

Feedback and Collaboration

We welcome feedback and collaboration opportunities to further enhance our project. Feel free to reach out to us via LinkedIn, Twitter, or email, as listed on this website.

Thank you for your interest and support. Together, we can revolutionize plant health management and promote global food security.


Feel free to reach out to me via email at ocharodominic01@gmail.com or connect with me on LinkedIn (@dominic-ocharo).