
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

the second project

Hi guys, this is my first project, please forgive me if there are any mistakes, guys✨, this script was created since Thursday, October 17, 2024. Don't forget to give stars and follow me😄🐈‍⬛

how to connect with telegram bot

[ 🇮🇩 ] Berikut langkah-langkah untuk mendapatkan token bot Telegram:

  1. Buka aplikasi Telegram, lalu di kolom pencarian, ketik username BotFather:
  2. Klik BotFather dari hasil pencarian, lalu pilih Start untuk memulai percakapan.
  3. Ketik atau pilih perintah /newbot untuk membuat bot baru.
  4. BotFather akan meminta kamu untuk memberikan nama bot baru.
    Contoh: MyAwesomeBot
  5. Setelah kamu memberikan nama, BotFather akan meminta kamu untuk memberikan username untuk bot tersebut. Username harus diakhiri dengan "bot" atau "_bot".
    Contoh: myawesome_bot atau MyAwesomeBot
  6. Jika username valid dan belum digunakan, BotFather akan mengonfirmasi dan mengirimkan token API untuk bot baru tersebut.
    Contoh token: 123456789:ABCDefghIJKLmnOPQRSTUvwxYZ1234567890
  7. Simpan token ini, karena token ini yang akan kamu gunakan untuk mengontrol bot melalui API Telegram.

[ 🇺🇸 ] Here are the steps to get a Telegram bot token:

  1. Open the Telegram app and search for BotFather by typing the username:
  2. Click on BotFather from the search results, and select Start to begin the conversation.
  3. Type or select the command /newbot to create a new bot.
  4. BotFather will ask you to provide a name for your new bot.
    Example: MyAwesomeBot
  5. After you provide a name, BotFather will ask you to provide a username for the bot. The username must end with "bot" or "_bot".
    Example: myawesome_bot or MyAwesomeBot
  6. If the username is valid and not already in use, BotFather will confirm and send you the API token for your new bot.
    Example token: 123456789:ABCDefghIJKLmnOPQRSTUvwxYZ1234567890
  7. Save this token, as you will use it to control the bot through the Telegram API.

Thank you to those who have helped me ✨

without them this script is nothing, thank you to them 💫

console.log("anti aldog 🐕")

A Few Tips for Using Buttons

  • to display the "Button List" view
let buttons = new Buttons();
buttons.setBody("ngapain bg?");
buttons.addSelection("List Menu");
buttons.makeSections("#! - Show All Menu List!!", "");
    "#! - Show All Menu",
    "display all menu in the bot !!!",
    "you can see all the features in this bot",
await buttons.run(m.chat, client, m);
  • to display the "Button Copy" view
let buttons = new Buttons();   
buttons.setBody("ngapain bg?");
buttons.addCopy("Copy", `puqi`);
await buttons.run(m.chat, client, m);

To change/modify the bot's display section, you can go to:



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

  • © N-Kiuur ZcoderX