
Tuxedo Polaris and XMG Core E21 (2021) keyboard backlight control for Linux

Primary LanguagePython

Tuxedo Polaris and XMG Core keyboard backlight control for Linux


  -h, --help                        show this help message and exit
  --set_color SET_COLOR             Supported Colors: BLACK, RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE
  --set_brightness SET_BRIGHTNESS   Any integer between 0-200.
  --get_color                       Returns current color.
  --get_brightness                  Returns current brightness.
  --skip_config_check               Skip config file check.


sudo python3 keyboard_service.py --set_color cyan --set_brightness 120


This script needs root permission to work.

Special note about XMG Core

To change color and brightness in Linux you need the tuxedo-keyboard kernel module. The Tuxedo Polaris and XMG Core got the same hardware, however both got a different firmware and the original tuxedo-keyboard kernel module checks the board name.

To use the kernel module you have to compile your own module and add your device to the list of supported laptops.

Check out my branch of the kernel module with added support for the XMG Core 15.

You can get your board name by running cat /sys/class/dmi/id/board_name, on the XMG Core 15 E21 the output is GK5NxxO M20.