
Modified version of this tutorial: Learn React JS, Python Django by Creating a Full-Stack Web App from Scratch (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5ygXQKF6M8)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Employee App Tutorial

This is a modified version of this tutorial.


  • Added Redux for state management
  • employee.department should be a Foreign Key field, not a text field.


  • Before running this tutorial app, make sure to cd to the employee_app_frontend folder and run 'npm install' to install all required react js packages
  • add an .env file in the employee_app_frontend and add two global constants: REACT_APP_API = http://localhost:8000/ REACT_APP_PHOTOPATH = http://localhost:8000/media/
  • create a media folder in the root folder. For the default profile picture to appear, make sure to add a file called "anonymous.PNG" to the media folder.
  • Create a django environment as shown in the tutorial and run 'python[3] manage.py makemigrations' and then 'python[3] manage.py migrate' as usual
  • Don't forget to type python[3] manage.py runserver in the root folder and 'npm start' in the employee_app_frontend folder