
Interactive tutorials for introducing new people to the world of Software Analytics with Jupyter, Python, pandas and Co.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Software Analytics Workshop

Interactive tutorials for introducing new people to the world of Software Analytics with Jupyter, Python, pandas and Co.


You find the following content in this repository:

  • challenges: a collection of challenges that give you just a few pointers on how to solve a Software Analytics task
  • datasets: various data from software systems or the like that is going to be analyzed
  • exercises: a collection of challenges you can tackle once you know enough about Software Analytics
  • tutorial: a self-study tutorial that introduces you to the art of Software Analytics with Data Science tooling

Starting the Engine

  • Local install: You can clone this repository to your local machine and use your favorite Python distribution
  • Online execution: You can click on the following button which creates an online environment without any installation efforts: Binder

Remote Workshop