AWC Training Events Signup

Simple registration app published on azure.

Useful Live URLs:

Back end

Technologies Used

  • .Net Core
  • Entity Framework Core
  • Unit Tests
  • Automapper
  • Swashbuckle
  • MsTest
  • Moq


  • SOLID Programming Patterns
  • Domain Driven Design (light)
  • Services and Repo are in their own modules (projects) so we can support independent deployments or seperating out completely in the future -- most modular
  • Can easily convert to micro-service implementation

Abstract AWC.TraininingEvents.Abstract

The abstract project sets up the blueprint for the whole application including the domain and supporting domain model contracts, service contracts, and repository contracts.


ActivityService AWC.TrainingEvents.ActivityService

The main service that implements the main domain model that implements the interface IActivitySignup where all tbe business logic lives and most of the unit tests focus on.


Data AWC.TrainingEvents.Data

The EF Core implementatiopn with the main ApplicationDbContext that can be shared across multiple Data services but for now are only used by ActivityData that implements IActivityData. By doing this, we centralize our data service implementations, which breaks with micro-service like implementations, which are nicely scalable, but takes advantage of EF Core features for caching since we use the "Transient" DI (it's possible that for one call only one ApplicationDbContext is instantiated and run across multiple Data services). However, we can easily break away from this pattern by implementing a applicationDbContext in multiple projects if we want to scale data services independently of each other.


UnitTests AWC.Tests

Simple MS Test implementation with a couple of factories (factory pattern) for generating commonly used mock implementations for models, services, and responses.

API and SPA Serving AWC.TrainingEventsWeb

Used the scaffold that generates the SPA implementation, but I completely over-wrote the reactJS code and implementing my own controllers for the API.

Front End

Technologies Used:

  • Bootstrap (react-bootstrap)
  • ReactJS
  • react-bootstrap-table-next (table2)

Form Build with:

  • Formik
  • yup (validation schemas)
  • react-select (activities drop down)
  • react-textarea-autosize (comments)
  • react-datepicker


SQL Server settings for debuggin use local and integrated security--it's safe because there are no passwords in the repo. In production, they are over-ridden by the application service setup in azure.