
Bootcamp Module 5 Challenge Assignment: Work Day Scheduler

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Bootcamp Module 5 Challenge Assignment: Work Day Scheduler

Deployed Application: https://dominiquegarrett.github.io/workdayscheduler/


Calendar application that allows a user to save events for each hour of the business day day. The interface will display the hours of the day. Application will also have content boxes the user can use to enter different events for each hour, and will highlight the a time slot based on the current time. It utilizes moment.js to manage the dates and times as well as jQuery.

User Story

AS AN employee with a busy schedule I WANT to add important events to a daily planner SO THAT I can manage my time effectively

Table of Contents

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN I am using a daily planner to create a schedule WHEN I open the planner THEN the current day is displayed at the top of the calendar WHEN I scroll down THEN I am presented with time blocks for standard business hours WHEN I view the time blocks for that day THEN each time block is color-coded to indicate whether it is in the past, present, or future WHEN I click into a time block THEN I can enter an event WHEN I click the save button for that time block THEN the text for that event is saved in local storage WHEN I refresh the page THEN the saved events persist



Screen Shot 2022-11-01 at 1 49 43 AM

Past, Present, & Future

Screen Shot 2022-11-01 at 1 54 47 AM


List of collaborators: N/A

Third-party assets that require attribution: jQuery & moment.js

Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBB_upXuqXY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1jEbbqRiN4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBiFY8UYHoo


MIT License


Technologies Used:

HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery