

Hello and welcome to the Greggs Products repository, thanks for finding it!

The Solution

So at the moment the api is currently returning a random selection from a fixed set of Greggs products directly from the controller itself. We currently have a data access class and it's interface but it's not plugged in (please ignore the class itself, we're pretending it hits a database), we're also going to pretend that the data access functionality is fully tested so we don't need to worry about testing those lines of functionality.

We're mainly looking for the way you work, your code structure and how you would approach tackling the following scenarios.

User Stories

Our product owners have asked us to implement the following stories, we'd like you to have a go at implementing them. You can use whatever patterns you're used to using or even better whatever patterns you would like to use to achieve the goal. Anyhow, back to the user stories:

User Story 1

As a Greggs Fanatic
I want to be able to get the latest menu of products rather than the random static products it returns now
So that I get the most recently available products.

Acceptance Criteria
Given a previously implemented data access layer
When I hit a specified endpoint to get a list of products
Then a list or products is returned that uses the data access implementation rather than the static list it current utilises

User Story 2

As a Greggs Entrepreneur
I want to get the price of the products returned to me in Euros
So that I can set up a shop in Europe as part of our expansion

Acceptance Criteria
Given an exchange rate of 1GBP to 1.11EUR
When I hit a specified endpoint to get a list of products
Then I will get the products and their price(s) returned