
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Africa is home to the youngest population in the world, with its population estimated to double by 2050 - which promises a demographic dividend unique to the continent. These changing population dynamics mean that about 15 to 20 million young people are expected to join the workforce every year for the next three decades.

Sustainable Development Goal 4 emphasizes inclusive and equitable quality education for all, we believe that education is the cornerstone of progress and empowerment. So we asked the hard questions; Through AI, Cloud, and Mobile applications, can we facilitate personalized and immersive learning experiences? Can interactive platforms promote inclusive education, breaking down barriers and providing equal opportunities to learners of all backgrounds? Can we empower educational institutions and organizations to transform their learning environments, enabling life long learning and fostering a skilled and knowledgeable workforce for the future?

our solution is to answer this hard questions

Lack of digital infrastructure and resources in many African regions has widened educational disparities as a result many students, particularly those in underserved communities, lack access to proper educational resources and face challenges in remote learning. This problem hinders their academic progress and future prospects.

What it does

*Ngalia is an inclusive and scalable online education platform tailored to African needs offers curriculum-aligned content, live virtual classrooms, and interactive learning experiences. It will is accessible on various devices, ensuring inclusivity even in regions with limited internet access. The innovation lies in providing affordable, quality education that caters to the specific challenges of the African context.

  • Accessible and affordable education for underserved communities.
  • Curriculum-aligned content and live virtual classrooms for quality learning.
  • Interactive and engaging learning experiences to keep students motivated.
  • Customized content to address local challenges and promote relevant skills.
  • The opportunity for educators to reach a wider audience and for students to access quality education.

How we built it

We have built it to leverages technology by using a combination of the following:

  • Online Learning Platform: We use a user-friendly online platform to deliver lessons and interactive content.
  • Mobile Learning: Recognizing the prevalence of mobile devices in Africa, the platform will be mobile-friendly, we chose React Native becase it enables to build an app that works well on both Android and iOS devices.
  • SignalWire Integration: SignalWire's products facilitates real-time communication between students and teachers, we used both chats and Video APIs to enable interactive learning
  • GraphQL API: We'll use GraphQL to optimize data retrieval and enhance the platform's performance.

Challenges we ran into

Since Africa is faced with low internet connectivity and some places have zero connectivity , we had to think offline-first approach which added complexity to our architecture

Accomplishments that we're proud of

Creating a sustainable and scalable business model for our solution and forming close and tight working relationship with my teammate.

What we learned

During our development phase we learnt that existing alternatives in the education sector in Africa often lack inclusivity and affordability and alos competitors included traditional schools, expensive e-learning platforms, and government initiatives. However, these alternatives do not fully address the unique challenges of remote, equitable education in Africa

What's next for Ngalia

With Ngalia we hope not only to protect and re-create struggling sectors but also to redefine education for a brighter future on the continent.

Ngalia - Complete React Native Chat App UI

Ngalia is a cross-platform chat application UI built using React Native.It is designed to provide a seamless interactive education experience with an intuitive and user-friendly interface.


Image chateo 3

Tech Stack

  • React Native: A JavaScript framework for building cross-platform mobile applications.
  • React Native Gifted Chat: A UI library for building chat interfaces in React Native, providing pre-designed UI components for chat functionalities.
  • Expo: An open-source platform for building React Native applications, providing tools and services to streamline the development process.

Getting Started

To run Ngalia on your local machine, follow these steps:

Clone the repository from GitHub:


Navigate to the project directory: 

cd chateo

Install dependencies: 

npm install or yarn install

Start the development server: 

expo start or npm start or yarn start

Use the Expo Go app on your Android or iOS device to scan the QR code displayed in the Expo developer tools to launch Chateo on your device.
Note: Make sure you have the latest version of Node.js, Expo CLI, and Expo Go app installed on your local machine and device, respectively.

## Contributing
We welcome contributions to Chateo! If you'd like to contribute, please follow these steps:

- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Make your changes and commit them with descriptive commit messages.
- Push your changes to your forked repository.
- Create a pull request to the main repository, explaining your changes and why they should be merged.
- Please ensure that your contributions adhere to the project's coding standards, and include appropriate tests and documentation.

## License
Ngalia  is open-source software licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute it as per the terms of the license.

## Contact
If you have any questions or feedback about Ngalia , please feel free to contact us at savannaspace@gmail.com. We appreciate your input and would be happy to assist you with any concerns or inquiries.