- Description
- Approach
- Other Tools And Tech
- Planning Board
- User-Stories
- Endpoints
- Features
- Installation
- Dependencies Used
- Documentation Used
- Credit
- Pet adoption social media for the modern age
- Frontend
- After designing the frontend mockup in Figma I started drawing out the ERD for the project making sure I thoroughly mapped out all the tables and the relationships. I then listed and researched all the technologies I thought I would need to make this project a reality. I then got a second set of eyes to help me review the plans and iron out any mistakes or inefficient ideas.
- I then broke up the project onto smaller more digestible pieces and make a planning board with these pieces. The backend was the main focus in the beginning using TDD and postman to make sure everything was working as intended. I started with public endpoints first then moved on into the private endpoints and security. Once all the tests passed and the postman returned all the correct data I moved onto the frontend and called the api from there.
- Cucumber
- H2 Database
- Postman
- Kanban board
- JUnit
- As a user, I should be able to register.
- As a user, I should be able to log in.
- As a user, I should be able to log out.
- As a logged-in user, I should be able to see a carousel of animals.
- As a logged-in user, I should be able to like the animals in the carousel.
- As a logged-in user, I should be able to see a list of liked animals (these liked animals show contact information for adoption).
- As a logged-in user, I should be able to remove animals from the animal liked list.
Request Type | URL | Functionality | Access |
POST | /auth/users/register/ | Request to create a new user | Public |
POST | /auth/users/login/ | Responsible for logging in a user | Public |
GET | /api/animal/ | Returns all animals | Public |
Request Type | URL | Functionality | Access |
POST | /api/like/{animalId} | Add animal to user like list | Private |
DELETE | /api/like/{animalId} | Delete animal from user like list | Private |
GET | /api/user/{userId}/likes | Get liked animals by user | Private |
- User login
- User register
- Private security endpoints
To set up the app locally on your own system:
- Fork this repository
- Clone the repo to your local machine using the link from the green <>Code combo button:
git clone <https://github.com/{GitHub UserName}/Adopt-Me_backend>
- Then open the repo in IntelliJ or your IDE of choice
- All required dependencies are included
- Shout out to Leonardo Rodriguez, Kevin Barrios, Jay Padilla for help with bug fixes and code reviews.