
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Ethereum smart contract handling DOMRAIDER ICO

Big Picture

La procédure se fait en 6 étapes 1) générer un fichier avec N accounts (qui sont un mélange de vrais et de faux) et les tokens à assigner 2) compiler le smart contract écrit en solidity 3) déployer le smart contract dans ethereum (rpc, testnet ou mainnet) via le noeud en local 4) lancer un script 'scheduler' qui assigne toutes les 'S' seconds des tokens à un array d'accounts
5) lancer le script de contrôle qui varifie que chaque account a bien ses tokens 6) ouvrir EthereumWallet et controler N adresses choisit aléatoirement

#Ensure you are using the latest stable node version sudo npm cache clean -f sudo npm install -g n sudo n stable


npm install web3 npm install truffle-compile npm install truffle-contract-schema npm install babel npm install ethereumjs-keys avoir le compilateur solidity installé (solc-bin-gh-pages.zip)

#Install project npm install

#run part 1 - Launch ethereum node (testrpc/testnet/mainnet) testrpc --rpcapi="db,eth,net,web3,personal" OR geth --testnet --fast --cache=1024 --rpc console --rpcapi="db,eth,net,web3,personal"

#run part 2 - generate accounts + mine ethers testrpc fournit accounts de test avec chacun 100 eth de test pour testnet et main net vous devez gérer vos accounts pour lancer le premier script on conseilel de créer 10 accounts en plus de l'account de base CONVENTION: l'account de base, celui à l'index0, est par défault le owner du smart contract DRTCoin

#run part 2 - set parameters You need to fullfill files in the '/PARAMS' directory to set your own parameters - ethereum_node.txt ex: http://localhost:8545 - num_accounts_2_create.txt number of accounts to create - owner_pwd.txt main account password (the token owner) - assign_interval_sec.txt waint interval (in seconds) between two chunk-assign calls
- chunk_size.txt number of accounts to which deliver tokens at each call

#run part 4 - Compile, Deploy and test an assignement of tokens -- node generateBrandNewAccounts.js -------------------------------------------- Thid script generate 'numAccounts2Create' accounts. It reads all TRUE accounts that are in the ethereum node instance (typically few: less then 10), then it creates 'numAccounts2Create-N' FAKE ethereum addresses It also assign a random number of tokens (between 1 and 100.000) at each addresse (TRUE or FAKE). PARAMS: numAccounts2Create = number of accounts you want to create urlEthereumNode = Ethereum node URL (from where TRUE accounts are read, likely http://localhost:8545)
OUTPUT: the 'generated_input_accounts_amounts.txt' file, which has this format : 0x052d1291f7d121319d1f82d637f33867aa637e48,45489 0xbd99de6e1ffeee38569fddee3434cb6c9db079c0,81855 0x20d5e3da977dd185722a1c1bd7346a797a90ee6c,98488 0x0dde0adde07b8f87a11c4852287e287a9d87a20b,86046 ... the 'generated_number_of_tokens.txt' file whit the total number of tokens assigned CONTRAINTES: you need at least one ethereum account (different from the base account) otherwise the script hangs in error.

-- node compileDRT.js -------------------------------------------- compile le smart contract

-- node deployDRT.js -------------------------------------------- déploie le smart contract PARAMS: urlEthereumNode = Ethereum node location, where smart contract is deployed ownerPassword = ethereum account 0 password, conventionally the smart contract owner OUTPUT: the "smart-contract-address.txt' file, specifying the smart contract address

-- node AssignScheduler.js -------------------------------------------- PARAMS: urlEthereumNode = Ethereum node location, where smart contract is called to assign tokens ownerPassword = ethereum account 0 password, conventionally the smart contract owner chunkSize = size of accounts/amounts chunks assignIntervalSec = waiting time in seconds between to smat-contract calls contractAddress = the "smart-contract-address.txt' file, specifying the smart contract address ACCOUNTSAMOUNTS_FILEPATH = file previously generated with accounts and amounts

-- node verifyBatchAssign.js --------------------------------------------

-- node suicideContract.js call this script to kill the contract in the blockchain