LPC176x grblHAL driver
A GrblHAL driver for NXP LPC1768 and LPC1769 processors.
Loosely based on the official grbl-LPC port.
See the Wiki-page for compiling grblHAL for instructions for how to import the project, configure the driver and compile.
Available driver options can be found here.
Update 2020-12-11:
- Added initial board map file for Bigtreetech SKR V1.3 Turbo board.
Update 2020-11-21:
- Added initial board map file for BTT SKR V1.4 Turbo board.
- Added polling of limit switches, enabling hard limits is now possible.
A build option for creating a Firmware.bin file that can be used for programming via the Smoothieboard DFU-bootloader has been added to build configurations.
Select the BL_0x4000 configuration from the build tool dropdown to build, and programming can then be done via SD card transfer:
Firmware.bin is found in the BL_0x4000 project folder after a successful build.
Update 2020-01-01:
- Added board map file for Ramps 1.6 on Re-ARM board hacked for programming via Segger J-Link. Improved pin assignment handling and fixed some bugs. USB comms and SD card seems to be working ok for this board, however only limited testing done.
Update 2019-08-08:
- Changed IDE to MCUXpresso v11 and linked against LPCOpen development platform libraries. I2C EEPROM on OM13085 LPCXpresso board and SD card supported.
Board maps:
N_AXIS | Ganged axes1 | EEPROM2 | SD card | Modbus | I2C Keypad | Encoders | Digital I/O | Analog I/O | |
Generic | max 5 | no | external | external | no | no | - | - | - |
BOARD_RAMPS_16 | max 5 | no | external | external | no | no | - | - | - |
BOARD_BTT_SKR_13 | max 5 | no | external | onboard | no | no | - | - | - |
BOARD_BTT_SKR_14_TURBO | max 5 | no | external | onboard | no | no | - | - | - |
BOARD_MKS_SBASE_13 | max 5 | no | external | onboard | no | no | - | - | - |
SMOOTHIEBOARD | max 5 | no | external | onboard | no | no | - | - | - |
1 Each enabled reduces N_AXIS with one. Currently the board map file must be edited to enable ganged/auto squared axes.
2 I2C EEPROM (or FRAM) is optional and must be added externally. FRAM is recommended when the Odometer plugin is added to the build.