
An opinionated collection of stuff built with Remix that I use for building my apps.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

👋 This is an opinionated collection of stuff built with Remix that I use for building my apps.

It mainly uses Drizzle ORM, Supabase, Hono, shadcn/ui & tailwindcss.


[!NOTE] This is a Turborepo with npm workspaces.

What's inside?


A good starting for a new project or to learn about Remix Run.

  • @remix-galaxy/psst 🔥 coming soon

    A PWA with native push notifications.
    👉 hono + supabase + drizzle + tailwindcss + shadcn/ui


Some experiments

  • @remix-galaxy/remix-hono-vite 🆕 new

    Vite, Hono and Remix Hono


Things I use in multiple projects

  • @remix-galaxy/ui: shadcn/ui components
  • @remix-galaxy/eslint-config: base eslint configurations
  • @remix-galaxy/typescript-config: base tsconfig.json used throughout the monorepo

Each package/stack is 100% TypeScript.


To install all packages, run the following command:

cd remix-galaxy
npm install


To develop all apps and packages, run the following command:

cd remix-galaxy
npm run -w <workspace> dev

Install a npm package in a project

To install a package in a project, run the following command:

cd remix-galaxy
npm install -w <workspace> <package>
# e.g.
npm install -w @remix-galaxy/psst @remix-galaxy/ui

Note: Check the turbo docs: Adding/removing/upgrading packages


To build all apps and packages, run the following command:

cd remix-galaxy
npm run build


This Turborepo has some additional tools already setup for you:

Useful Links

Learn more about the power of Turborepo: