
Android Music Player

Primary LanguageJava


Demo link

Musixygen App Preview

App developement stages:

  • MainActivity Polished
  • Integration slidingmenu and .mp3 listview
  • Searching and social network integradtion


  • 3 playing modes: Single repeat, Shuffle and Play in order(Default)
  • Multi-threading reduces load of UI thread.
  • musiXmatch-like item menu.
  • Right slidingMenu
  • Customized UI
  • Using Tagr for Mac to set your mp3s' properties.
  • iOS like transparent statusbar and navigation bar.
  • Choosing MediaPlayer instead of Soundpool or AudioTrack. Difference in details

= Known Issues:

  • Play and Pause not integrated in one Button.
  • Actionbar has not been removed. (Android actionbar sherlock to make it fully transparent)
  • Hardcoding on read .mp3 media.
  • Sliding Menu / Splash Screen have not been implemented.
  • Progress bar(Need Overlay effect)
  • Read Android local storage
  • Flexible Album info() to retrieve more properties from an mp3 Google API
  • Overlay Progressbar
  • Auto searching related song put into a list(parser)
  • Play songs in single repeat, repeat all, order, shuffle Google API
  • Issues during the developement process will be stated in detail in sidebar issues

Thanks list: