Pyamaha is Python implementation of Yamaha Extended Control API Specification. Please see Status for list of implemented functions. Undocumented functions will be added in future.
pip install pyamaha
python install
from pyamaha import Device, System
dev = Device('')
res = dev.request(System.get_device_info())
print(res.json()) # JSON response
> python -m pyamaha
{u'api_version': 1.17,
u'destination': u'BG',
u'device_id': u'XXX',
u'model_name': u'CD-NT670D',
u'netmodule_checksum': u'XXX',
u'netmodule_version': u'1130 ',
u'operation_mode': u'normal',
u'response_code': 0,
u'system_id': u'XXX',
u'system_version': 1.7,
u'update_error_code': u'FFFFFFFF'}
Function | API | CLI | Info |
SYSTEM | |||
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/getDeviceInfo | x | x | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/getFeatures | x | x | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/getNetworkStatus | x | x | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/getFuncStatus | x | x | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/setAutoPowerStandby | x | x | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/getLocationInfo | x | x | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/sendIrCode | x | x | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/setWiredLan | x | x | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/setWirelessLan | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/setWirelessDirect | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/setIpSettings | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/setNetworkName | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/setAirPlayPin | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/getMacAddressFilter | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/setMacAddressFilter | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/getNetworkStandby | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/setNetworkStandby | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/getBluetoothInfo | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/setBluetoothStandby | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/setBluetoothTxSetting | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/getBluetoothDeviceList | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/updateBluetoothDeviceList | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/connectBluetoothDevice | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/disconnectBluetoothDevice | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/setSpeakerA | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/setSpeakerB | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/setDimmer | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/setZoneBVolumeSync | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/setHdmiOut1 | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/setHdmiOut2 | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/getNameText | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/system/setNameText | x | - | Documented |
ZONE | |||
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/getStatus | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/getSoundProgramList | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/setPower | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/setSleep | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/setVolume | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/setMute | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/setInput | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/setSoundProgram | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/prepareInputChange | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/set3dSurround | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/setDirect | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/setPureDirect | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/setEnhancer | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/setToneControl | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/setEqualizer | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/setBalance | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/setDialogueLevel | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/setDialogueLift | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/setClearVoice | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/setSubwooferVolume | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/setBassExtension | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/getSignalInfo | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/setLinkControl | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/{zone}/setLinkAudioDelay | x | - | Documented |
TUNER | |||
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/tuner/getPresetInfo | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/tuner/getPlayInfo | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/tuner/setFreq | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/tuner/recallPreset | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/tuner/switchPreset | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/tuner/storePreset | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/tuner/setDabService | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/netusb/getPresetInfo | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/netusb/getPlayInfo | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/netusb/setPlayback | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/netusb/toggleRepeat | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/netusb/toggleShuffle | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/netusb/getListInfo | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/netusb/setListControl | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/netusb/setSearchString | - | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/netusb/recallPreset | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/netusb/storePreset | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/netusb/getAccountStatus | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/netusb/switchAccount | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/netusb/getServiceInfo | x | - | Documented |
CD | |||
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/cd/getPlayInfo | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/cd/setPlayback | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/cd/toggleTray | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/cd/toggleRepeat | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/cd/toggleShuffle | x | - | Documented |
DIST | |||
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/dist/getDistributionInfo | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/dist/setServerInfo | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/dist/setClientInfo | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/dist/startDistribution | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/dist/stopDistribution | x | - | Documented |
/YamahaExtendedControl/v1/dist/setGroupName | x | - | Documented |
Code is released under MIT license © Radoslaw '[rsc]' Matusiak.