DataServer - Exercise

Show me the subroute to heaven...

  • Refactor the given list of routes into subroutes

    • Create a folder "routes"
    • Create a separate router file for todos, skills, users (so three routers in total)
    • Export the routers together with the arrays into these files
    • Import the routers in your server.js file
  • Testing

    • Do REST calls from your RESTED or POSTMAN client to test if all routes are working
  • Bonus: Outsource route handlers into controllers

    • Create three controllers: one each for todos, skills and users
    • Test your REST calls one more time
  • Bonus: Add storing of data with LowDB

    • Setup a lowdb connection to a file "db.json"

      • Google "lowdb github" & check the documentation in the Repo how to set it up
      • Put your three "hardcoded" arrays as defaults into LowDB (use db.defaults() command for that - check the documentation on that again)
    • Replace the hardcoded responses in the controllers by LowDB queries to your JSON file

    • Test your routes again via REST / POSTMAN:

      • Is the data still correctly stored / updated in your JSON file?


If you made that work, you are now close to master routing and the most fundamental concept of every backend.