
Virtual gallery for songs, lyrics, and artwork attached to a Tune NFT on the ethereum blockchain.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The Tunes NFT (https://tunesproject.org/) was created as a way to inspire artists to make songs based off the AI generated song titles with each NFT. After artists began attaching songs to their Tune NFT as a derivative, we needed a way to listen to them.

The Tunes Viewer allows anyone to view the songs, artwork, lyrics, and all other media attached to a Tune NFT, as well as let users share their collection of Tunes with a simple link.



Website is also live at https://tunes-viewer.web.app/


A interactive pirate radio for Tune songs & portal to the creativity of the Tunes ecosystem.

Making Changes

Project is using plain vanilla JS, bootstrap, Sentry.io (error monitoring), font awesome, and firebase.

To run the project, cd to the public folder, and run npm run local to have firebase run a local web server for you on port 5000 (localhost:5000)

To deploy changes to the live website, make sure you're in the public folder like before and run npm run deploy

Implementation Ideas


  • As an initial MVP, only log in with metamask for people who own a tune NFT.
  • We can host the music on IPFS.
  • Everything that interacts with the NFT along with metadata and such can be done via web3.js.


  • Actual radio station website hosted from a regular web2 web server (firebase hosting's easy + generous free layer).
  • Need to look into IPFS media player libraries to play the song in our radio station website.
  • UI should feel exclusive & high end


  • TUNES metadata could have a link for the song in Sound Cloud or Spotify.
  • Soundcloud links would be a great since we could stream them via api, and have an MVP.


  • Can be maintained as a platform to view all possible derivates of the TUNES
  • Users which have official metadata alias reserved by the team can contact, get their aliases added
  • All sorts of artworks, songs, lyrics for a token visible on a single page
  • If a derivative allows an owner to set their own metadata, we can have metamask connection which allows user to do so
  • Allow the derivative owner to claim the derivative using metamask transaction


  • Two core habit loops: Discover music & Create music
  • Initial solution hypos for Discover music: Browse deriv. ecosystem, Music Player, Recommended Originals and Remixes.
  • Initial solution hypos for Create music: Find a Tune to remix, Match with Tune holders to make originals, Listening activity (likes, follows etc..), Creator profile.
  • Discover music: Trigger = "I want to discover new high quality music" -> Action = Like / Favourite a song / Favourite a Tune -> Reward = Entertained & discovered new music
  • Create music: Trigger = "I want to make and own a song based on a Tune" -> Action = Make Original or Remix -> Reward = Financial / Social Capital
  • Manufactured habit loop for 'Discover music': New track added / Daily creations, medium = email/discord/twitter, when? start of day?
  • Manufactured haibt loop for 'Create music' Suggested collabs / Challenges, medium = email/discord/twitter, when? start of day?
  • Viewer nurtures listeners or creators to buy a Tune or invest somehow in a Tune. I think 10x experience for listener happens when you have some ownership stake... Gas fees are a blocker here.
  • Can we improve Tune & deriv liquidity by providing some additional utility / social value to being a holder? Exclusive access to creator jam sessions?
  • Acquisition of new listeners will happen via sharing of content. How do we make sharing content easy?
  • Acquisition of creators can be kickstarted by existing network of community then word of mouth / content sharing. This happens when creators believe in project or they sell an Original or Remix. Crypto/NFT knowledge will be a barrier for adoption here. Get new creator to remix a Tune asap (perhaps with collab with existing creator for knowledge transfer). Perhaps best Remix in cohort, voted by holders, get promoted to Original... "New creator remix battle"

@donaldbough thoughts for MVP

  • MVP
    • play the song url associated with a tunes nft.
      • Only play sound cloud songs to start.
      • best and prettiest media player library is amplitude js: https://521dimensions.com/open-source/amplitudejs
      • show album cover in media player
        • This comes from tunes meta data
      • show part of ipfs link
      • show owner
    • player can shuffle to next tunes that has a song
    • tune owner can edit their tune's song_uri to a Soundcloud url
      • upload button has instructions explaining only sound cloud urls will play in the media player
      • input for Soundcloud url
      • upload button edits the actual tune's meta data
      • multiple uploads for the same song should just edit the existing meta data
  • After MVP
    • Gallery of album art
    • Upvoting on songs
      • Page of best voted songs
    • ? (wait for suggestions from community)