This boilerplate was ejected from Create React App. This boilerplate is built to be ready for react + redux projects. The main packages includes:

  • React
  • React-Router
  • Redux
  • Redux-Saga

Below you will find some information on how to perform common tasks.

Getting Started

  1. npm i - Install dependencies. This might take a while.
  2. npm start - Run development build.

Advanced Commands

  • npm run deploy - Deploys the contents of the build/ directory below the gh-pages branch.
  • npm run build - Generate a production version under '/build'.

How it works

The boilerplate comes with some immutability helper functions that help to update Redux store without writing so much redundant code for reducers.

  • Set: set a value (new or existing) to a particular path provided.
import { SET_DATA } from './action/note-action';
const path = 'noteList';
export const updateNote = (id, text) => {
  return SET_DATA({
    _path: `${path}.${id}.task`,
    _value: text,
  • Get: get data from a path.
import { GET_DATA } from './action/note-action';
const path = 'noteList';
export const getNote = (id, text) => {
  return GET_DATA({
    _path: `${path}.${id}.task`,
    _value: text,
  • Remove: Delete an array of items. Note: ids need to be an array.
import { REMOVE_DATA } from './action/note-action';
const path = 'noteList';
export const deleteNote = (ids) => {
  return REMOVE_DATA({
    _path: path,
    _value: ids,
  • Merge: merge a value into a given source.
import { MERGE_DATA } from './action/note-action';
const path = 'noteList';
export const addNote = (text) => {
  const id = Math.ceil(new Date());
  return MERGE_DATA({
    _path: `${path}.${id}`,
    _value: {
      task: text,
  • Rearrange: rearrange an item to another position in a same list
import { REARRANGE_DATA } from './action/lane-action';
const path = 'laneList';
export const arrangeNote = ({ sourceNoteIndex, targetNoteIndex, laneId }) => {
    _path: `${path}.${laneId}.notes`,
    _value: {
      sourceIndex: sourceNoteIndex,
      targetIndex: targetNoteIndex,

Create new actions and reducers

You can add your own actions and reducers when needed. The flow is the same as working in a typical redux project. Add your reducers in the root-reducers.js

// Put new reducers here
const reducers = {
  router: routerReducer,

You can also create your own data-action in data-action.js. First, create your actions

export const dataActionConst = {
  // new action here
export const SET_DATA = createDataAction(dataActionConst.SET_DATA);
export const REMOVE_DATA = createDataAction(dataActionConst.REMOVE_DATA);
// create new data action
export const NEW_ACTION_DATA = createDataAction(dataActionConst.NEW_ACTION_DATA);

Then create your helper function in immutable.js.

export function new_action(src, path, val) {
  //your code here

Note: The name of the new action has to match the helper function name. Otherwise, it will not work as expected.


This boilerplate is inspired by