About this app

Product Target

Parsing RSS Feed data to present a Podcast epsiodes list ,description and have a player to play podcast audio file in iOS device.

In here using AVPlayer to handle epsiode download from url and play the audio.


Separate the feature to three part

  1. A list to present all epsiode.

  2. A page with detail information of current epsiode.

  3. A page with player to play epsiode.

Design level

  1. List view

    • A header with podcast image

    • A List with epsiodes(contain: image, epsiode title, pubDate)

    • Refresh to reload RSS feed

    • Show description page

  2. Description

    • A header with current epsiode image.

    • A section of text to display description of current epsiode.

    • Show player page

  3. Player

    • A player to play/pause audio.

    • A slider to control progress.

    • Handle next epsiode when have newer epsiode.


Third part framework

  • Kinfisher for image download and cache.

  • XMLCoder for XML data parsing.

  • UIKit and programming UI layout.

  • Development env: XCode 13.1 RC

  • iOD Development Target: iOS 15


Code typesetting

  • UIKit related:

    UI Conponment

    Key feature



                                                 │  RSSLoader  │        
┌────────────────────────────┐                          │               
│ EpsiodeListFeatureComposer ├ ─ ─                      │               
└────────────────────────────┘    │                     │               
               │                Creation                │               
                                  │                     │               
               │                         ┌─────────────────────────────┐
                                  └ ─ ─ ▶│  ListRefreshViewController  │
               │                         └─────────────────────────────┘
┌──────────────▼──────────────┐                         ▲               
│  EpsiodeListViewController  │─────────────────────────┘               
               │                   │                                    
               │                   │                                    
               ▼                   │                                    
┌─────────────────────────────┐    │                                    
│    EpsiodeCellController    │    │                                    
└─────────────────────────────┘    │                                    
                                   │     ┌────────────────────┐         
                                   └────▶│  RSSFeedViewModel  │         
  • EpsiodeListFeatureComposer

    1. Create ListRefreshViewController with RSSLoader

    2. Create EpsiodeListViewController with ListRefreshViewController

    3. Forwording refreshed rss data to EpsiodeListViewController

  • EpsiodeListViewController

    1. Receving tableModel as table view's data source

    2. As a table view controller to present epsiode list and header image.

    3. Create EpsiodeCellController to present cell detail.

    4. hold ListRefreshViewController and connect to refresh control to show indicator when reloading.

    5. Navigate to PodcastDescriptionViewController with created RSSFeedViewModel.


                                              │PlayerObject │       
│ PodcastDescriptionViewController  │                               
                                              │  RSSFeedViewModel  │
  • PodcastDescriptionViewController

    1. Create UI when receiving RSSFeedViewModel.

    2. Create PlayerObject and navigate to PodcastPlayerViewController.

    3. Observe PodcastPlayerViewController on epsiode change event to change UI to current epsiode.


                                              │PlayerObject │       
│    PodcastPlayerViewController    │                               
                                              │  RSSFeedViewModel  │
  • PodcastPlayerViewController

    1. Create UI when receiving RSSFeedViewModel and config PlayerObject.

    2. Trigger prepareToPlay: Trigger PlayerObject to prepare player(download audio).

    3. Observe PlayerObject 3 event and action.

      • timeOnChange: To change current time label.

      • onPlayerReady: Trigger onEpsiodeChange to notified PodcastDescriptionViewController to change UI for current epsiode.

      • onEpEnd: Check if have newer epsiode.

        • YES: config next epsiode to play.
        • NO: stop epsiode and reset UI.


A object to handle AVPlayer to play audio.

PlayerObject register three observer to observe play state, and have three closure to notify controller what event happen.

  • observeValue: To observe is player is ready to play, using onPlayerReady to notify, and start to observe boundary time.

  • addPeriodicTimeObserver: To observe time change and using timeOnChange to forwording current time string.

  • addBoundaryTimeObserver: To observe is current epsiode is over, and using onEpEnd to notify controller.

Interaction with PlayerObject

  • prepareToPlay(with url): Prepare player, and using observeValue to observ status.

  • handleSliderWith(with value): Receive slider value to control play time.

  • handlePlayPauseAndReturnIsPlaying: Check is avplayer playing.

  • resetPlayer: Reset avplayer to start condition.

  • getDuration: Get current epsiode duration and return time string.