
docker files for Multi core system simulators.

Primary LanguagePython


docker files for Multi core system simulators.

for build

in the simulator folder

docker build -t 'image-name-what-you-want' .

for running docker image

docker run -it -d -t 'image-name' /bin/bash
check the container id from `docker ps`
docker exec -it 'container-name' /bin/bash


if you want to connect the host folder to the folder inside docker container then

add -v /host/directory:/container/directory option when you running the docker container.


./scripts/runMaxSimDacapo.sh <output directory> <ZSim template configuration> <number of runs>


the version of the sniper is 7.2. sniper.tgz modified for compiling (fix some bug).

sniper run example

go to test/fft
make run
in the host
docker run -it -v /path/to/example/sniper:/usr/src/sniper_example sniper-opencv2 ./run-sniper -- /usr/bin/python /usr/src/sniper_example/class3.py /usr/src/sniper_example/noisy.avi /usr/src/sniper_example/output.avi


now this dockerfile build the version of ARM simulator if you want to change the architecture or build setting then check the build.bash file in folder

gem5 run example

./build/ARM/gem5.opt ./configs/example/se.py -c ./tests/test-progs/hello/bin/arm/linux/hello 

TODO: need to add download fs image file ref) http://www.gem5.org/dist/current/arm/?C=M;O=A