
🕷some website spider application base on proxy pool (support http & websocket)

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高可用代理IP池 高并发生成器 一些实战经验
Highly Available Proxy IP Pool, Highly Concurrent Request Builder, Some Application


site document Last Modified time
gatherproxy.com,etc. Proxy pool 19-04-30
music.163.com Netease 18-10-21
- Press Test System 18-11-10
news.baidu.com News 19-01-25
note.youdao.com Youdao Note 19-01-27
jianshu.com/csdn.net blog 19-03-28
elective.pku.edu.cn Brush Class 19-02-25
zimuzu.tv zimuzu 19-04-13
bilibili.com Bilibili 19-04-24
exam.shaoq.com shaoq 19-03-21
data.eastmoney.com Eastmoney 19-03-29
hotel.ctrip.com Ctrip Hotel Detail 19-04-28
douban.com DouBan 19-05-07
66ip.cn 66ip 19-05-07


  • Big data store
  • High concurrency requests
  • Support WebSocket
  • method for font cheat
  • method for js compile
  • Some Application

Quick Start

docker is on the road.

$ git clone https://github.com/iofu728/spider.git
$ cd spider
$ pip install -r requirement.txt

# load proxy pool
$ python proxy/getproxy.py                             # to load proxy resources

To use proxy pool

''' using proxy requests '''
from proxy.getproxy import GetFreeProxy                # to use proxy
proxy_req = GetFreeProxy().proxy_req
proxy_req(url:str, types:int, data=None, test_func=None, header=None)

''' using basic requests '''
from util.util import basic_req
basic_req(url: str, types: int, proxies=None, data=None, header=None, need_cookie: bool = False)


├── README.md
├── bilibili
│   ├── analysis.py                // data analysis
│   ├── bilibili.py                // bilibili basic
│   └── bsocket.py                 // bilibili websocket
├── blog
│   └── titleviews.py              // Zhihu && CSDN && jianshu
├── brushclass
│   └── brushclass.py              // PKU elective
├── buildmd
│   └── buildmd.py                 // Youdao Note
├── eastmoney
│   └── eastmoney.py               // font analysis
├── exam
│   ├── shaoq.js                   // jsdom
│   └── shaoq.py                   // compile js shaoq
├── log
├── netease
│   ├── netease_music_base.py
│   ├── netease_music_db.py        // Netease Music
│   └── table.sql
├── news
│   └── news.py                    // Google && Baidu
├── press
│   └── press.py                   // Press text
├── proxy
│   ├── getproxy.py                // Proxy pool
│   └── table.sql
├── requirement.txt
├── utils
│   ├── db.py
│   └── utils.py
└── zimuzu
    └── zimuzu.py                  // zimuzi

Proxy pool

proxy pool is the heart of this project.

  • Highly Available Proxy IP Pool
    • By obtaining data from Gatherproxy, Goubanjia, xici etc. Free Proxy WebSite
    • Analysis of the Goubanjia port data
    • Quickly verify IP availability
    • Cooperate with Requests to automatically assign proxy Ip, with Retry mechanism, fail to write DB mechanism
    • two models for proxy shell
      • model 1: load gather proxy list && update proxy list file(need over the GFW, your personality passwd in http://gatherproxy.com to proxy/data/passage one line by username, one line by passwd)
      • model 0: update proxy pool db && test available
    • one common proxy api
      • from proxy.getproxy import GetFreeProxy
      • proxy_req = GetFreeProxy().proxy_req
      • proxy_req(url: str, types: int, data=None, test_func=None, header=None)
    • also one common basic req api
      • from util import basic_req
      • basic_req(url: str, types: int, proxies=None, data=None, header=None)
    • if you want spider by using proxy
      • because access proxy web need over the GFW, so maybe you can't use model 1 to download proxy file.
      • download proxy txt from 'http://gatherproxy.com'
      • cp download_file proxy/data/gatherproxy
      • python proxy/getproxy.py --model==0


Netease Music song playlist crawl - netease/netease_music_db.py

  • problem: big data store

  • classify -> playlist id -> song_detail

  • V1 Write file, One run version, no proxy, no record progress mechanism

  • V1.5 Small amount of proxy IP

  • V2 Proxy IP pool, Record progress, Write to MySQL

    • Optimize the write to DB Load data/ Replace INTO
  • Netease Music Spider for DB

  • Netease Music Spider

Press Test System

Press Test System - press/press.py

  • problem: high concurrency requests
  • By highly available proxy IP pool to pretend user.
  • Give some web service uneven pressure
  • To do: press uniform


google & baidu info crawl- news/news.py

  • get news from search engine by Proxy Engine
  • one model: careful analysis DOM
  • the other model: rough analysis Chinese words

Youdao Note

Youdao Note documents crawl - buildmd/buildmd.py

  • load data from youdaoyun
  • by series of rules to deal data to .md


csdn && zhihu && jianshu view info crawl - blog/titleview.py

$ python blog/titleviews.py --model=1 >> log 2>&1 # model = 1: load gather model or python blog/titleviews.py --model=1 >> proxy.log 2>&1
$ python blog/titleviews.py --model=0 >> log 2>&1 # model = 0: update gather model

Brush Class

PKU Class brush - brushclass/brushclass.py

  • when your expected class have places, It will send you some email.


ZiMuZu download list crawl - zimuzu/zimuzu.py

  • when you want to download lots of show like Season 22, Season 21.
  • If click one by one, It is very boring, so zimuzu.py is all you need.
  • The thing you only need do is to wait for the program run.
  • And you copy the Thunder URL for one to download the movies.
  • Now The Winter will come, I think you need it to review <Game of Thrones>.


Get av data by http - bilibili/bilibili.py

  • homepage rank -> check tids -> to check data every 2min(during on rank + one day)
  • monitor every rank av -> star num & basic data

Get av data by websocket - bilibili/bsocket.py

  • base on WebSocket
  • byte analysis
  • heartbeat

Get comment data by http - bilibili/bilibili.py

  • load comment from /x/v2/reply

  • UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 7-10: ordinal not in range(128)

    • read/write in utf-8
    • with codecs.open(filename, 'r/w', encoding='utf-8')
  • bilibili some url return 404 like http://api.bilibili.com/x/relation/stat?jsonp=jsonp&callback=__jp11&vmid=

    basic_req auto add host to headers, but this URL can't request in ‘Host’


Get text data by compiling javascript - exam/shaoq.py

  • Idea

    1. get cookie
    2. request image
    3. requests after 5.5s
    4. compile javascript code -> get css
    5. analysic css
  • Requirement

    pip3 install PyExecJS
    yarn install add jsdom # npm install jsdom PS: not global
  • Can't get true html

    • Wait time must be 5.5s.

    • So you can use threading or await asyncio.gather to request image

    • Coroutines and Tasks

  • Error: Cannot find module 'jsdom'

    jsdom must install in local not in global

  • remove subtree & edit subtree & re.findall

    subtree.string = new_string


Get stock info by analysis font - eastmoney/eastmoney.py

  • font analysis

  • Idea

    1. get data from HTML -> json
    2. get font map -> transform num
    3. or load font analysis font(contrast with base)
  • error: unpack requires a buffer of 20 bytes

  • How to analysis font

    • use fonttools
    • get TTFont().getBestCamp()
    • contrast with base
  • configure file

Ctrip Hotel Detail

Get Ctrip Hotel True Detail - ctrip/hotelDetail.py

  • int32

  • js charCodeAt() in py

    python 中如何实现 js 里的 charCodeAt()方法?

  • python access file fold import

    import sys
  • generate char list

    using ASCII

    lower_char = [chr(i) for i in range(97,123)] # a-z
    upper_char = [chr(i) for i in range(65,91)]  # A-Z
  • Can't get cookie in document.cookie

    Service use HttpOnly in Set-Cookie

    The Secure attribute is meant to keep cookie communication limited to encrypted transmission, directing browsers to use cookies only via secure/encrypted connections. However, if a web server sets a cookie with a secure attribute from a non-secure connection, the cookie can still be intercepted when it is sent to the user by man-in-the-middle attacks. Therefore, for maximum security, cookies with the Secure attribute should only be set over a secure connection.

    The HttpOnly attribute directs browsers not to expose cookies through channels other than HTTP (and HTTPS) requests. This means that the cookie cannot be accessed via client-side scripting languages (notably JavaScript), and therefore cannot be stolen easily via cross-site scripting (a pervasive attack technique).

  • ctrip cookie analysis

key method how constant login finish
magicid set https://hotels.ctrip.com/hotel/xxx.html 1 0 1
ASP.NET_SessionId set https://hotels.ctrip.com/hotel/xxx.html 1 0 1
clientid set https://hotels.ctrip.com/hotel/xxx.html 1 0 1
_abtest_userid set https://hotels.ctrip.com/hotel/xxx.html 1 0 1
hoteluuid js https://hotels.ctrip.com/hotel/xxx.html 1 0
fcerror js https://hotels.ctrip.com/hotel/xxx.html 1 0
_zQdjfing js https://hotels.ctrip.com/hotel/xxx.html 1 0
OID_ForOnlineHotel js https://webresource.c-ctrip.com/ResHotelOnline/R8/search/js.merge/showhotelinformation.js 1 0
_RSG req https://cdid.c-ctrip.com/chloro-device/v2/d 1 0
_RDG req https://cdid.c-ctrip.com/chloro-device/v2/d 1 0
_RGUID set https://cdid.c-ctrip.com/chloro-device/v2/d 1 0
_ga js for google analysis 1 0
_gid js for google analysis 1 0
MKT_Pagesource js https://webresource.c-ctrip.com/ResUnionOnline/R3/float/floating_normal.min.js 1 0
_HGUID js https://hotels.ctrip.com/hotel/xxx.html 1 0
HotelDomesticVisitedHotels1 set https://hotels.ctrip.com/Domestic/tool/AjaxGetHotelAddtionalInfo.ashx 1 0
_RF1 req https://cdid.c-ctrip.com/chloro-device/v2/d 1 0
appFloatCnt js https://webresource.c-ctrip.com/ResUnionOnline/R3/float/floating_normal.min.js?20190428 1 0
gad_city set https://crm.ws.ctrip.com/Customer-Market-Proxy/AdCallProxyV2.aspx 1 0
login_uid set https://accounts.ctrip.com/ssoproxy/ssoCrossSetCookie 1 1
login_type set https://accounts.ctrip.com/ssoproxy/ssoCrossSetCookie 1 1
cticket set https://accounts.ctrip.com/ssoproxy/ssoCrossSetCookie 1 1
AHeadUserInfo set https://accounts.ctrip.com/ssoproxy/ssoCrossSetCookie 1 1
ticket_ctrip set https://accounts.ctrip.com/ssoproxy/ssoCrossSetCookie 1 1
DUID set https://accounts.ctrip.com/ssoproxy/ssoCrossSetCookie 1 1
IsNonUser set https://accounts.ctrip.com/ssoproxy/ssoCrossSetCookie 1 1
UUID req https://passport.ctrip.com/gateway/api/soa2/12770/setGuestData 1 1
IsPersonalizedLogin js https://webresource.c-ctrip.com/ares2/basebiz/cusersdk/~0.0.8/default/login/1.0.0/loginsdk.min.js 1 1
_bfi js https://webresource.c-ctrip.com/code/ubt/_bfa.min.js?v=20193_28.js 1 0
_jzqco js https://webresource.c-ctrip.com/ResUnionOnline/R1/remarketing/js/mba_ctrip.js 1 0
__zpspc js https://webresource.c-ctrip.com/ResUnionOnline/R1/remarketing/js/s.js 1 0
_bfa js https://webresource.c-ctrip.com/code/ubt/_bfa.min.js?v=20193_28.js 1 0
_bfs js https://webresource.c-ctrip.com/code/ubt/_bfa.min.js?v=20193_28.js 1 0
utc js https://hotels.ctrip.com/hotel/xxx.html 0 0 1
htltmp js https://hotels.ctrip.com/hotel/xxx.html 0 0 1
htlstm js https://hotels.ctrip.com/hotel/xxx.html 0 0 1
arp_scroll_position js https://hotels.ctrip.com/hotel/xxx.html 0 0 1
  • some fusion in ctrip

    function a31(a233, a23, a94) {
      var a120 = {
        KWcVI: "mMa",
        hqRkQ: function a272(a309, a20) {
          return a309 + a20;
        WILPP: function a69(a242, a488) {
          return a242(a488);
        ydraP: function a293(a338, a255) {
          return a338 == a255;
        ceIER: ";expires=",
        mDTlQ: function a221(a234, a225) {
          return a234 + a225;
        dnvrD: function a268(a61, a351) {
          return a61 + a351;
        DIGJw: function a368(a62, a223) {
          return a62 == a223;
        pIWEz: function a260(a256, a284) {
          return a256 + a284;
        jXvnT: ";path=/"
      if (a120["KWcVI"] !== a120["KWcVI"]) {
        var a67 = new Date();
        a67[a845("0x1a", "4Vqw")](
          a120[a845("0x1b", "RswF")](a67["getDate"](), a94)
        document[a845("0x1c", "WjvM")] =
          a120[a845("0x1d", "3082")](a233, "=") +
          a120[a845("0x1e", "TDHu")](escape, a23) +
          (a120["ydraP"](a94, null)
            ? ""
            : a120["hqRkQ"](a120["ceIER"], a67[a845("0x1f", "IErH")]())) +
          a845("0x20", "eHIq");
      } else {
        var a148 = a921(this, function() {
          var a291 = function() {
              return "dev";
            a366 = function() {
              return "window";
          var a198 = function() {
            var a168 = new RegExp("\\w+ *\\(\\) *{\\w+ *[' | '].+[' | '];? *}");
            return !a168["test"](a291["toString"]());
          var a354 = function() {
            var a29 = new RegExp("(\\[x|u](\\w){2,4})+");
            return a29["test"](a366["toString"]());
          var a243 = function(a2) {
            var a315 = ~-0x1 >> (0x1 + (0xff % 0x0));
            if (a2["indexOf"]("i" === a315)) {
          var a310 = function(a213) {
            var a200 = ~-0x4 >> (0x1 + (0xff % 0x0));
            if (a213["indexOf"]((!![] + "")[0x3]) !== a200) {
          if (!a198()) {
            if (!a354()) {
            } else {
          } else {
        // a148();
        var a169 = new Date();
        a169["setDate"](a169["getDate"]() + a94);
        document["cookie"] = a120["mDTlQ"](
            a120["dnvrD"](a120["dnvrD"](a233, "="), escape(a23)),
            a120["DIGJw"](a94, null)
              ? ""
              : a120["pIWEz"](a120["ceIER"], a169["toGMTString"]())

    equal to

    document["cookie"] =
      a233 +
      "=" +
      escape(a23) +
      (a94 == null ? "" : ";expires=" + a169["toGMTString"]()) +

    So, It is only a function to set cookie & expires.

    And you can think a31 is a entry point to judge where code about compiler cookie.

  • Get current timezone offset

    import datetime, tzlocal
    local_tz = tzlocal.get_localzone()
    timezone_offset = -int(local_tz.utcoffset(datetime.datetime.today()).total_seconds() / 60)
  • JSON.stringfy(e)

    import json
    json.dumps(e, separators=(',', ':'))
  • Element​.get​Bounding​Client​Rect()

    return Element position



Q: @liu wong 一段 js 代码在浏览器上执行的结果和在 python 上用 execjs 执行的结果不一样,有啥原因呢? http://www.66ip.cn/

A: 一般 eval 差异 主要是有编译环境,DOM,py 与 js 的字符规则,context 等有关 像 66ip 这个网站,主要是从 py 与 js 的字符规则不同 + DOM 入手的,当然它也有可能是无意的(毕竟爬虫工程师用的不只是 py) 首次访问 66ip 这个网站,会返回一个 521 的 response,header 里面塞了一个 HTTP-only 的 cookie,body 里面塞了一个 script

var x = "@...".replace(/@*$/, "").split("@"),
  y = "...",
  f = function(x, y) {
    return num;
  z = f(
      .sort(function(x, y) {
        return f(x) - f(y);
while (z++)
  try {
      y.replace(/\b\w+\b/g, function(y) {
        return x[f(y, z) - 1] || "_" + y;
  } catch (_) {}

可以看到 eval 的是 y 字符串用 x 数组做了一个字符替换之后的结果,所以按道理应该和编译环境没有关系,但把 eval 改成 aa 之后放在 py 和放在 node,chrome 中编译结果却不一样 这是因为在 p 正则\b 会被转义为\x80,这就会导致正则匹配不到,就更不可能替换了,导致我们拿到的 eval_script 实际上是一串乱码 这里用 r'{}'.format(eval_script) 来防止特殊符号被转义 剩下的就是 对拿到的 eval_script 进行 dom 替换操作 总的来说是一个挺不错的 js 逆向入门练手项目, 代码量不大,逻辑清晰 具体代码参见iofu728/spider


----To be continued----