
Baidu Map SDK modules and view for React Native(Android & IOS), support react native 0.57+. 百度地图 React Native 模块,支持 react native 0.57+,已更新到最新的百度地图SDK版本。

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

react-native-baidu-map npm version

Baidu Map SDK modules and view for React Native(Android & IOS), support react native 0.57+

百度地图 React Native 模块,支持 react native 0.57+,已更新到最新的百度地图SDK版本。

Android IOS



  • node: 8.0 及以上


  • Android SDK: api 28 及上以上
  • gradle: 4.6
  • Android Studio: 3.1.3 及以上


  • XCode: 8.0 及以上


npm install react-native-baidu-map --save


Android Studio


方法一: react-native link react-native-baidu-map

方法二:使用 mavenCentral,编辑 app/build.gradle,添加依赖

repositories {
dependencies {
    implementation 'org.lovebing.reactnative:baidu-map:1.0.1'

方法三:使用本地 aar (打包后生成)

  • 在 app/libs 目录下添加 baidu-map-release.aar
  • 编辑 app/build.gradle,添加依赖
android {
    repositories {
        flatDir {
            dirs 'libs'
dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.jar", "*.aar"])

2.编辑 MainApplication.java,添加 BaiduMapPackage

public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
    protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
      return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
          new MainReactPackage(), new BaiduMapPackage()

IOS/Xcode (重构中)

  • Project navigator->Libraries->Add Files to 选择 react-native-baidu-map/ios/RCTBaiduMap.xcodeproj

  • Project navigator->Build Phases->Link Binary With Libraries 加入 libRCTBaiduMap.a

  • Project navigator->Build Settings->Search Paths, Framework search paths 添加 react-native-baidu-map/ios/lib,Header search paths 添加 react-native-baidu-map/ios/RCTBaiduMap

  • 添加依赖, react-native-baidu-map/ios/lib 下的全部 framwordk, CoreLocation.framework和QuartzCore.framework、OpenGLES.framework、SystemConfiguration.framework、CoreGraphics.framework、Security.framework、libsqlite3.0.tbd(xcode7以前为 libsqlite3.0.dylib)、CoreTelephony.framework 、libstdc++.6.0.9.tbd(xcode7以前为libstdc++.6.0.9.dylib)

  • 添加 BaiduMapAPI_Map.framework/Resources/mapapi.bundle

  • 其它一些注意事项可参考百度地图LBS文档

AppDelegate.m init 初始化
#import "RCTBaiduMapViewManager.h"
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    [RCTBaiduMapViewManager initSDK:@"api key"];

Usage 使用方法

import { MapView, MapTypes, Geolocation, Overelay } from 'react-native-baidu-map

MapView Props 属性

Prop Type Default Description
zoomControlsVisible bool true Android only
trafficEnabled bool false
baiduHeatMapEnabled bool false
mapType number 1
zoom number 10
center object null {latitude: 0, longitude: 0}
onMapStatusChangeStart func undefined Android only
onMapStatusChange func undefined
onMapStatusChangeFinish func undefined Android only
onMapLoaded func undefined
onMapClick func undefined
onMapDoubleClick func undefined
onMarkerClick func undefined
onMapPoiClick func undefined

Overelay 覆盖物

const { Marker, Arc, Circle, Polyline, Polygon, Text, InfoWindow } = Overelay;
Marker Props 属性
Prop Type Default Description
title string null
location object {latitude: 0, longitude: 0}
perspective bool null
flat bool null
rotate float 0
icon any null icon图片,同 的 source 属性
alpha float 1
Arc Props 属性
Prop Type Default Description
color string AA00FF00
width int 4
poins array [{latitude: 0, longitude: 0}, {latitude: 0, longitude: 0}, {latitude: 0, longitude: 0}] 数值长度必须为 3
Circle Props 属性
Prop Type Default Description
radius int 1400
fillColor string 000000FF
stroke object {width: 5, color: 'AA000000'}
center object {latitude: 0, longitude: 0}
Polyline Props 属性
Prop Type Default Description
points array [{latitude: 0, longitude: 0}]
color string AAFF0000
Polygon Props 属性
Prop Type Default Description
points array [{latitude: 0, longitude: 0}]
fillColor string AAFFFF00
stroke object {width: 5, color: 'AA00FF00'}
Text Props 属性
Prop Type Default Description
text string
fontSize int
fontColor string
bgColor string
rotate float
location object {latitude: 0, longitude: 0}
InfoWindow Props 属性
Prop Type Default Description
location object {latitude: 0, longitude: 0}
visible bool false 点击 marker 后才能设为 true

Geolocation Methods

Method Result
Promise reverseGeoCode(double lat, double lng) {"address": "", "province": "", "cityCode": "", "city": "", "district": "", "streetName": "", "streetNumber": ""}
Promise reverseGeoCodeGPS(double lat, double lng) {"address": "", "province": "", "cityCode": "", "city": "", "district": "", "streetName": "", "streetNumber": ""}
Promise geocode(String city, String addr) {"latitude": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0}
Promise getCurrentPosition() IOS: {"latitude": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0, "address": "", "province": "", "cityCode": "", "city": "", "district": "", "streetName": "", "streetNumber": ""} Android: {"latitude": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0, "direction": -1, "altitude": 0.0, "radius": 0.0, "address": "", "countryCode": "", "country": "", "province": "", "cityCode": "", "city": "", "district": "", "street": "", "streetNumber": "", "buildingId": "", "buildingName": ""}