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Deep Learning Inference Framework Speed Benchmarks - CPU
This project benchmarks the performance of various popular deep learning inference frameworks on x86_64 CPU.
The intention is to determine which has the lowest latency, and how the number of threads used for inference impacts performance.
Thead dependency can be used to optimize CPU throughput (ex. run multiple instances in parallel each only using a reduced number of threads).
Test Specs
The benchmarks are performed on Dual Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20GHz, 20 cores total, 128 Gb of ram.
The model used for inference is the Arcface ResNet100 with 65.131 MParams and 24.209 GFLOPs.
The model was trained in mxnet.
The model input is a 112x112 rgb image.
The time taken to read the image into memory and decode the image to rgb format is not included in the inference time.
The time taken to convert the rgb image buffer into the framework-specific expected network input format is included in the inference time.
First inference time is discarded to ensure all network weights and params have been loaded. Memory usage refers to maximum resident set size.
The number of inferences used to generate the average time is on the order of 1000.
Unrestricted threads in tables below means allowing the inference framework to choose how many threads it wants to use on it's own.
Runtime dependencies refers to dependencies which must be linked and are not standard system libraries such as
Start by navigating to the 3rd_party_libs directory and compile the inference frameworks by running the provided shell scripts.
Model optimization run with following options: python3 --input_model ./mxnet-0000.params --input_shape [1,3,112,112] -reverse_input_channels