
The Dockerfile expects your local user to have uid 1000 and gid 1000. If they are different update the Dockerfile accordingly.

Initial setup:

  • mkdir -p tmp/bundle
  • docker-compose up
  • docker-compose exec web bundle --jobs=8
  • docker-compose exec web rails db:setup

Then, for developing:

  • docker-compose up
  • docker-compose exec web rails s -b
  • docker-compose exec web rails c

The website can be opened at http://localhost:3000. The docker-compose.yml is mounting your host folder in the container. So changes you make on the app will automatically be reflected in the container.

Your tasks

1. As a user I want to upload an excel file of barcodes in order to let the system know which barcodes have already been printed from another system

  • Implement new view/ form with one file input field and submit button (barcodes#import)
  • The uploaded excel contains the barcodes in the first column, one barcode per row. Skip the first row.
  • In case upload is missing or is not an excel file, highlight input and redirect to upload page
  • In case of any invalid barcodes (invalid ean8 or duplicate)
    • don't store anything in the database
    • display the error "Invalid barcodes found: xxx, xxx, xxx, ..." (ex: "Invalid barcodes found: 4545455, 0235433.")
  • In case of only valid barcodes
    • redirect to root page
    • display notice "xxx barcodes imported!" (ex: "5 barcodes imported!")
  • The barcodes should have source "excel" in the database

2. As a user I want to upload the raw excel we get from our partner in order to have less manual work for preparation

  • Enhance existing barcode upload from task one
  • If the barcode has more than 8 digits it's invalid
  • If the barcode has less than 8 digits
    • left pad with zeros to 8 digits and check if the barcode is a valid EAN8
      • if it's not a valid EAN8
        • left pad to only to 7 digits,
        • calculate the checksum and append it to the right

3. As a user I want to generate a certain amount of barcodes manually in order to give the programmer some work

  • Add button "Generate new barcodes"
  • Clicking on the button
    • generates a random number (1 - 100) of new barcodes
    • displays a notice "xxx barcodes generated"
    • redirects to root
  • The generation should start with the lowest possible number and respect any existing barcodes in the database
    • example, dbs contains: 00000017, 000000024, 00000055
    • after generating 3 new barcodes, dbs contains: 00000017, 000000024, 00000031 (new), 00000048 (new), 00000055, 00000062 (new)
  • The barcodes should have source "generator" in the database

Hints / rules

  • Use can use the excel files in the doc folder for testing
  • Use gems already present in Gemfile (ean8, rubyXL)
  • See doc/code_snippets.rb for some hints (no need to use it)
  • Use form and service objects where it makes sense
  • Code should be clean, well structured and self-documentating (proper method naming, etc.)
  • Write down in keywords what problems/ difficulties you faced
  • Write down in keywords what could be improved/ refactored in your code
  • Bonus points for: write some unit and controller specs for your tasks

Good luck and happy coding! :)