Polity - Vision

The goal of polity is to create a - theoretically - global real-time decision platform for political parties, individuals and public bodies.

Our Goal & Figma Clickdummy 🚀
Message tobias.hassebrock@gmail.com to gain access to the Figma Design files.

Current development state

Weekly Wednesday meeting and collaboration

We are meeting every Wednesday at 8pm CET on a discord server to work on the project and have a good time in general. To start, you can choose a task from our published projects or suggest your own ideas.

Discord server:



Drop me a message/pull request here on GitHub or per mail if you are interested in supporting the project.

Get startet with development

  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/Donnerstagnacht/polity.git
  2. Install Node-Js
  3. Install NPM packages
    npm install
  4. Set up local development for supabase
  5. Start Angular dev server
    ng serve


Polity is based 100% on OpenSource technologies and is self-hostable.


Data is queried mostly by PostgreSQL functions. The functions are executed in a wrapper service that handles loading and UI flags.

Additionally, a Supabase real-time subscription is used to update the store (and therefore the UI) pessimistically whenever subscribed data in the database is changed.

To display data to the user, the data is stored in Angular Signals.

*** Data in ***
User  --> PostgreSQL function --> Database --> UI

*** Data out: ***
Database --> Query Function and/or real-time subscription --> Signal Store--> UI --> User

Summary: Most business logic is transferred to powerful PostgreSQL functions.

Project Structure

Angular files are organized in the src/app. Subfolders mirror app features and mostly correspond to the available routes.

Cypress files are organized in the Cypress/e2e folder and the file order should be identical to the test execution order.

Supabase files are organized in the supabase/migrations folder. These files must have a prefix that determines the migration/execution order.

- cypress: End-2-End tests organized by features
- src

 - app: Frontend
   - auth: Authentication functionality
   - features: Features organized by routing
       - feature: One feature module
           - components: Presentation logic
           - routes: Routes of the feature
           - store: Front end store instantiations
           - actions: Link between database and frontend store
           - guards: Protecting routes
   - landing: Non-authenticated features (landing website before sign-in)
   - navigation
   - signal-store: Frontend data store
   - ui: Pure UI components

 - assets: static files
 - environments: Supabase parameter
 - environments: Styles global
   - Global component styles
   - Polity utility styles
   - TUI extensions & overwrites

- supabase: Supabase / Backend
 - functions: Edge functions
 - migrations: POSTGRES files organized by feature
   - Schemas and other: 0000X prefix
   - Database types/ Enums/Table definitions: 0000X prefix
   - Schema/Table definitions: 1000X prefix
   - Database functions/queries: 4000X prefix
   - Database transactions (calling other functions): 6000X prefix
   - Database seed: 9000X prefix
 - types: Auto-generated supabase types - determining Front End types, too
   - supabase.modified.ts: Overwritten supabase types since generation is not always correct
   - supabase.shorthand-types.ts: Short-handed supabase types for easier usage in Front End code
   - supabase.ts: Auto-generated supabase types

- copy_sql_files_to_migration_folder: A windows bat file to copy supabase files into the migration directory so that automatic migration can be executed
- package.json: Project dependencies
- cypress.config.ts: Cypress configuration

Development server Frontend (Angular)

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/.

Development server Backend (Supabase)

Run supabase start for a local dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:54323/. Follow the local development guide of Supabase to reset or reload your environment

Running Cypress end-to-end tests

Run npm run e2e_open to open the Cypress test runner and execute tests without resetting your Supabase environment. Run npm run e2e_run to run the e2e test in your command line.

Naming conventions

PostgreSQL code and code or variables that are used to call PostgreSQL functions should be written in lowercase with underscores e.g. a_variable_for_a_postgres functions..

For purely frontend-related variables code camelCase is used e.g. aVariableForTheFrontend.

HTML elements used for testing should contain the [attr.data-cy]="'element-name'".

In general, use speaking names and choose a longer more specific name over a short unspecific name.


Document public functions (especially in services).

Testing Approach

The project uses no unit tests so far. However, all features should be committed with a working end-to-end test.

Recommended "Definition of Done" Checklist

This is not mandatory - but a guideline:

  1. Check naming conventions
  2. Document public functions
  3. Implement end-to-end-tests
  4. Pass all existing end-to-end-test to ensure code compatibility