Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

CEDA: Learned Cardinality Estimation with Domain Adaptation

A PyTorch Implementation of CEDA. We also provide the source code for data import, getting PostgreSQL cardinality estimation, and getting histogram information.


  • Python 3.9.7
  • PyTorch 1.10.2


The project works on PostgreSQL 11. If you do not have PostgreSQL installed, you first need to install PostgreSQL. Our experiments are conducted on the IMDB and Forest datasets. You can use our forest.py script to import forest data into PostgreSQL, and similarly, we also provide a script to import Power data.

Example usage:

cd importForestAndPower
python forest.py

Because the encoding part of our Attention-based Cardinality Estimator integrates histogram information. You can use a script we wrote to collect histogram information.

For example:

If you want to get the histogram information of Forest, you can run getForestHistogram.ipynb to get a histogram_forest.csv.

Train & Test

You can train and test the model performance using the following command.

python train.py
python trainDA.py

In order to compare with LW-NN, we reproduced its code. You can run the train.py training model under the LW-NN folder, and test the model effect with test.py.

cd LW-NN
python train.py
python test.py

If you want to compare with traditional PostgreSQL, you can run get_cardinality_estimate_actual.py in the get-postgresql-cardinality folder, and then you will get a csv result file, in which you can see the estimated cardinality, actual cardinality, q-error, etc. information.

cd get-postgresql-cardinality
python get_cardinality_estimate_actual.py

Code References: