
This is a project about streamView.

Primary LanguageObjective-C


This is a project about streamView.iOS 6 introduced a new feature called UICollectionView.This class can instead of most function of the UICollectionView.And make a view like a stream in it.

Prerequisite ARC iOS 4.3+,

How to Use

Step 1

There are five properties for you to set up.

@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat columnPadding; //Spacing between items vertically

@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat cellPadding; //Spacing between items horizontal

@property (nonatomic, readonly) UIView *headerView, *footerView; //you can design your custom headerView or footerView

/* this view is a container which containing all cells,headerView and footerView */

@property (nonatomic, readonly) UIView *contentView;

Step 2

And you also need to implement one method in your delegate for the EKStreamViewDelegate protocol.Just like UITableViewDelegate

  • (NSInteger)numberOfCellsInStreamView:(EKStreamView *)streamView;
  • (NSInteger)numberOfColumnsInStreamView:(EKStreamView *)streamView;
  • (EAStreamCell *)streamView:(EKStreamView *)streamView cellAtIndex:(NSInteger)index;
  • (CGFloat)streamView:(EKStreamView *)streamView heightForCellAtIndex:(NSInteger)index;

Also,you may want to expand the EAStreamCell,don't forget set reuseIdentifier in streamView:(EKStreamView *)streamView cellAtIndex:(NSInteger)index.And I recommend you do like this.

  • (UIView *)streamView:(EKStreamView *)streamView cellAtIndex:(NSInteger)index { static NSString *CellID1 = @"MyCell1"; YourCell *cell; cell = (YourCell *)[streamView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellID]; CGFloat destWidth = (streamView.bounds.size.width - (kNumberOfColumns + 1) * streamView.columnPadding) / kNumberOfColumns; if (cell == nil) {

      cell = [[YourCell alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100) infoViewHeight:kViewInfoHeight] ;
      cell.reuseIdentifier = CellID;


    CGFloat destHeight = [self streamView:streamView cellAtIndex:index]; cell.contentView.frame = CGRect(0,0,destWidth,destHeight);

    return cell; }

  • (CGFloat)streamView:(EKStreamView *)streamView heightForCellAtIndex:(NSInteger)index { CGFloat heigt = 0; switch (index % kNumberOfColumns) { case 0: //set height value break; default: break; } return height; }

Step 3 (Optional)

  • (EAStreamCell *)headerForStreamView:(EKStreamView *)streamView;
  • (EAStreamCell *)footerForStreamView:(EKStreamView *)streamView;
  • (void)streamView:(EKStreamView *)streamView willDisplayCell:(EAStreamCell *)cell forIndex:(NSInteger)index;
  • (void)streamView:(EKStreamView *)streamView didSelectedCellAtIndex:(NSInteger)index;

these method provide some function you may want.Similarly like UITableViewDelegate,right?


Only one section is supported. Only vertical scrolling is supported.
