
A Powershell one-click solution to enable NVIDIA GeForce Experience GameStream on a cloud machine with a GRID supporting GPU.

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

Cloud NVIDIA GameStream

What is it?

A Powershell one-click solution to enable NVIDIA GeForce Experience GameStream on a cloud machine with a GRID supporting GPU. There was a thread discussing this in the xda-developers forum but the whole process was unclear in which versions of the GRID drivers and GeForce Experience to use and required some tedious installation and workarounds since the GeForce Experience that supported it would automatically update to the newest one. This script will solve all the issues with one single script.


Copy and paste these commands in the machine's powershell prompt:

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11, tls";Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted;Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://github.com/acceleration3/cloudgamestream/archive/master.zip -OutFile arch.zip;Add-Type -Assembly "System.IO.Compression.Filesystem";$dir = [string](Get-Location);rmdir -r cloudgamestream-master -ErrorAction Ignore;[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($dir + "\arch.zip", $dir);cd cloudgamestream-master;./Setup.ps1

Or you can download the script and binaries from here.


Tested and working on the following:

  • OS:

    • Windows 10 Pro build 2004 (Windows 10 will only be compatible with some GPUs. Out of all the ones I've tested only the M60 works.)
    • Windows Server 2019
    • Windows Server 2016
  • Platforms:

    • Azure NV6_Promo Tesla M60
    • Amazon AWS EC2 g4dn.large Tesla T4
    • Google Cloud Platform Tesla T4
    • Google Cloud Platform Tesla P4

WARNING: Machines provided by Shadow.tech supposedly have incompatibility with GeForce Experience and may brick your VM. Use at your own risk.


Will this work on <insert platform and instance name here>?

I am building a list of platforms it currently supports, so if you've tested it yourself and it works, please message me on reddit /u/acceleration3 with the information on your VM. If it doesn't work you can also message me with details and I will try and change the script to support your VM.

The script didn't enable my GameStream at all.

Remember that the feature will not show up on GeForce Experience on a Microsoft Remote Desktop session. I recommend using AnyDesk as an alternative. If it still doesn't work then the script doesn't currently support your machine.

I can't connect to my VM using Moonlight.

You need to forward the ports on your machine. The ports you need to forward are 47984, 47989, 48010 TCP and 47998, 47999, 48000, 48010 UDP. If you're having more problems try downloading the Moonlight Internet Streaming Tool and troubleshooting it.

GeForce Experience requires me to login. Do I have to create/use an NVIDIA account?


This GeForce Experience version doesn't support my game. What do I do?

You can stream your entire desktop with GeForce Experience. Just add C:\windows\system32\mstsc.exe to the applications list and launch that with Moonlight.