
  1. create a new laravel project laravel new Rest_api

  2. creat a controller example: php artisan make:controller coutry/Countrycontroller

  3. create a model example php artisan make:model CountryModel

  4. create a function on controller to return the results in json format import the model in the controller to use the model use App\Models\CountryModel; public fucntion country() { return response()->json(ModelName::get(), Responce (200)); }; N/B dont inlude Responce () just use 200 for success return of json

  5. define your $table as protected and all the fields that are to be mass filled

     protected $table = "table_name";
     Protected $fillable = [
  6. create Route in the routes/api.php Route::get('view', 'ControllerName@function');

  7. php artisan serve