Simple script for creating a snapshot of all token holders + corresponding balances of an ERC721 contract. Data is being stored using Supabase and/or in a local json file.
See also branch "merkle" for added merkle whitelist functionality.
Clone this repo and run
npm install
In the root directory
Create an .env file in the root directory and declare following variables:
ALCHEMY_KEY = "https://abcdefg"
SUPABASE_URL = https://abcdefg
SUPPLY = xxx
Go to your Supabase dashboard and click on Settings in the sidebar navigation. Here, click on API and you will see a bunch of Config and API Keys. Grab the URL and API (anon public) key and throw the values respectively into the .env file.
Supply is the circulating supply of NFTs, e.g. 10000 for BAYC.
You dont have to use Alchemy as your provider obviously, you can also use Infura or your own node etc.
Create a new project (or use an existing one) and create a new table. Give it a name, make sure the name matches the name supplied in your .env file.
Add two columns:
Column 1: name = address, type = text
Column 2: name = balance, type = int8
node index.js
And thats literally it. All tokenholders with their corresponding tokenbalance will appear in your Supabase database. You will see the sent data in your terminal, e.g.
Data sent: [
{ address: '0xabcdefg123456', balance: 1 }
If you dont want to save the data via Supabase, comment those lines in index.js out
// save data in supabase
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(holders)) {
console.log("Data sent:", await sendData(key, value));
Your snapshot data will be stored in a local json file only.
Supabase docs
Ethers js docs
OpenZeppeling ERC721