This is my collection of portable WAD tools for id Software and Raven
Software games based on the Doom and Hexen game engines. Originally I
build the collection for usage together with my XDoom port for UNIX
systems, that's where the name comes from. However, this tools are not
specific to any of the many Doom engine ports and can be used with all
of them and the tools work with Strife, Heretic and Hexen too. So this
tools are distributed and maintained on their own, to encourage WAD
authors to use them and tool developers to contribute to them.

The collection includes WAD level compiler, ACS script compiler, graphics
resources compiler, graphics extract utilities, node builders, tools to
extract and import raw data into WAD files, even a GUI map editor is included
and much more. The archive includes sources only and no binaries for any
platform, so you have to compile your self or find someone who does that for

The level map editor is written in Tcl/Tk, a portable scripting language for
GUI programming. Tcl/Tk is available for any UNIX, Windows 9x/NT and MacOS,
probably ports have been done for Plan9, QNX, BeOS, OS/2 and who knows what
The editor is used on various UNIX's and Windows 9x and NT 4.0, so it is
tested on this OS's. To some degree it probably will work on MacOS too,
but this is not tested due to lack of a MacOS system. No idea about other
OS's, if anyone tries it out please let me know.

The tools written in C/C++ can be compiled on UNIX systems, on Windows 9x/NT,
DOS and some of them under RISC OS. It is up to you to support more platforms,
my major interest are UNIX systems.

Also included are PWAD project examples, for Doom/Doom2 and Hexen so far,
which were build with this tools and are free to mess with. All resources
used to create the PWAD's are included, so that one can rebuild them self,
modify them, play with them, whatever.

From time to time I'm asked if I couldn't make archives with binary
executables available for download too. The usual excuse is: I'm no
programmer and so I cannot install this tools. I think you don't need
any programming capabilities for installing this tools, because you open
a text window (DOS box under Windows or xterm under UNIX) and type in
two commands like:

	make -f
	make -f install

The included scripts will do all the nasty work and you don't have to
understand them. Typing in that two commands can be done by everyone
me thinks. Of course you need a C compiler on your system, so that the
scripts can compile the tools written in this language. For that free
compilers exist, which don't cost money besides simply downloading them
from the Internet, the documentation inside mentions the URL's.
I don't wish to use my precious time for compiling this programs for others,
there are enough other, more interesting things for me to do, sorry.
If anyone has spare time left for creating binary archives and upload them to
some ftp server, fine with me, go ahead.

New in this release:

- includes a new slige release with better UNIX support
- multigen renamed to idmultigen, PalmOS tools for UNIX
  also include a program called multigen, which gets
  installed into /usr/local/bin
- some ROTT support

Trademarks, Legalize:

Doom, Ultimate Doom, Doom][ and Final Doom are registered trademarks of
id Software and so acknowledged.

Heretic and Hexen are registered trademarks of Raven Software and so

The software in this archive won't be supported by id Software, Raven
Software or Activision, even not with some of their sources included.
This software is provided on AS IS basis just for the fun of it and it
comes without any warranty. In case of problems don't bother anyone at
the game vendors, you got all sources, use them. If you can't fix a problem
your self feel free to email me at, I might look into
it. If you can fix a problem your self, please email a patch.

Some of the tools included have restictions on usage, like: may not be used
for profit. Consult the included documentation for all tools about details,
not everything included is under GPL or similar license conditions!

Udo Munk <>