
cocos-creator encrypt

Primary LanguageJavaScript


cocoscreator encryption obfuscation is written based on 2.4.5. It is theoretically suitable for engine 2.4.0-2.4.6. The most important thing is that it is open source. Screenshot 2024-04-22 010946


  • web client supports encrypted images, text, and json
  • native side supports encryption of all resources except audio
  • Support file name obfuscation

Encryption ideas: Encryption is the simplest XOR encryption. Modify the built source code to decrypt. The native side is to modify the file reading function of CCFileUtil on the c++ side, and the web side is to modify the download series methods of cocos2d-jsb.js.

File name modification ideas: Extract the file name and rename it to the md5 code of the file name; then modify the transformUrl function before downloading the resource, The local file name is also calculated as md5 and redirected;

How to use: It must be built first. Currently, jsb-link, web-mobile, and web-desktop are supported. Then open the plug-in, select the corresponding construction method, fill in the encryption signature and secret key, and click the encryption button.