
New request for help, without your obligation to respond

Closed this issue · 0 comments

Hi @Doosty,

First of all, please let me say that you can automatically close this issue, you have no obligation to answer me. You have already helped me a lot, I know you are very busy, therefore feel free to close this issue without answering me.

I am using this java script, which basically opens a little popup below mouse-hovered tabs, showing three navigation buttons, history, favicon and url.

I want some simple customizations in this java script, nothing complicated, I don't even want to add anything, I just want to remove some things. The problem is that I know nothing about java script, and I depend on other developers on github. I already found two nice people willing to help me, but they don't use the fx-autoconfig I use, I can take advantage of their help only if I use the fx-autoconfig they use, and no way, I'm not going to change my fx-autoconfig.

So, here I am bothering you. And as they say in my town, "asking doesn't kill anyone". So if you can help me, I ask you:

  • Please, could you remove the favicon from the popup? (the js part, not just the css part)

  • Please, could you remove the url address from the popup? (the js part, not just the css part)

  • Please, could you completely remove the whole popup in the following two situations ?: 1. Unloaded tabs and 2. Loaded tabs, when there is nothing to go back and forward.

I would like a version as simple and light as possible of this java script. The popup would appear on a single mouse-hovered tab (not multiselected tabs), and only on loaded tab. Inside the popup, only the three navigation buttons (with the history function) would appear, and nothing else. Also, the popup would only appear when # tab-nav-back or # tab-nav-forward are active (at least one of the two buttons). All the rest of this java script is of no use to me, and I would like to remove it.

Thank you @Doosty !