Here you will find some usefull resources for RedM and Red Dead Redemption. All information here is free for you to use at your own discretion
Contains a list of generated natives for RedM, we all know Citizen.InvokeNative is horrible, These functions can be used as wrappers around the this.
- If you don't want to have bloated files and don't mind not having method comments you can use the _Minified.lua version
- If you want to Invoke the natives manually by name you can use the _Headers.lua file, along with Citizen.InvokeNative(N_nativeName) Note they are not all guaranteed to work 100%
- Adapted version of polyzone with the missing natives for the zone creation visual stuff.
- Adapted the controls to be identical in RedM as they are in FiveM
- All Credits go to mkafrin