Chronos is a Django web app for scheduling measurements on the TU Delft DopTrack lab. The app makes use of Django cms for content creation.
Install Docker and additionally for Linux, install docker-compose.
To test the app in a docker environment, in the root of the repository, run
docker-compose up -d --build
The app can then be accessed at
Check for erros in the logs if this doesn't work via
docker-compose logs -f
To close the service, run
docker-compose down
For development and testing, build and run the Docker image in the folder /server
. To build the Docker image, in the root of the respository execute
docker build ./server/ -t doptrack_server
To run the image and open the bash terminal:
docker run --rm -it doptrack_server bash
To test the remote services in the doptrack_server
container, run
You can verify the services running with ps -ef