
This is the code developed originally by the Richard van den Berg from the Extension School, TU Delft.

Primary LanguageHTML


Chronos is a Django web app for scheduling measurements on the TU Delft DopTrack lab. The app makes use of Django cms for content creation.

Developer instructions


Install Docker and additionally for Linux, install docker-compose.

To test the app in a docker environment, in the root of the repository, run

docker-compose up -d --build

The app can then be accessed at

Check for erros in the logs if this doesn't work via docker-compose logs -f.

To close the service, run

docker-compose down

Remote server

For development and testing, build and run the Docker image in the folder /server. To build the Docker image, in the root of the respository execute

docker build ./server/ -t doptrack_server

To run the image and open the bash terminal:

docker run --rm -it doptrack_server bash

To test the remote services in the doptrack_server container, run

bash setup_services.sh

You can verify the services running with ps -ef