- 07/03/20
"scripts": {
"tsc": "tsc -p tsconfig-cjs.json",
"prod": "rm -rf .next && next build && tsc --project tsconfig.server.json",
"production": "run-p prod:productionserver prod:server",
"prod:productionserver": "node ./.next/production-server/server/index.js",
"prod:server": "node ./.next/server/init-server.js",
"build:prod": "cross-env run-s prebuild build export start",
"client": "next",
"analyze": "cross-env ANALYZE=true npm run build",
"analyze:server": "cross-env BUNDLE_ANALYZE=server npm run build",
"analyze:browser": "cross-env BUNDLE_ANALYZE=browser npm run build",
"env-scripts": "ts-node ./scripts/env-check.js",
"watch": "./node_modules/.bin/tsc-watch --onSuccess \" exit\"",
"vercel:build": "run-p serve next:build",
"next:build": "rm -rf .next && cross-env run-p serve vercel:build",
"prestart": "npm run export",
"localprod": "next start",
"p:build": "concurrently --kill-others --success first \"next build\" \"cross-env npm run serve\" --compiler-options=\"{\\\"module\\\": \\\"commonjs\\\"}\"",
"build:client": "next build",
"conc:build": "npm run p:build",
"build": "run-p built:server conc:build",
"post:build": "run-p built:server localprod",
"built:server": "tsc -p tsconfig.server.json",
"start": "serve out",
"seed": "ts-node --compiler-options=\"{\\\"module\\\": \\\"commonjs\\\"}\" server/cloud/seed.ts",
"clear": "ts-node --compiler-options=\"{\\\"module\\\": \\\"commonjs\\\"}\" server/cloud/clear.ts",
"serve": "ts-node --compiler-options=\"{\\\"module\\\": \\\"commonjs\\\"}\" --project tsconfig.server.json server/index.ts",
"exe:dev": "ts-node --transpile-only --compiler-options=\"{\\\"module\\\": \\\"commonjs\\\"}\"",
"dev": "concurrently --kill-others \"npm run serve\" \"next\" --compiler-options=\"{\\\"module\\\": \\\"commonjs\\\"}\"",
"export": "next export",
"vercel:export": "npm run export",
"server:start": "node ./bin/server/index.js",
"client:start": "next start",
"heroku:start": "run-p server:start client:start"
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21831493/my-nodejs-script-is-not-exiting-on-its-own-after-successful-execution/32617487#32617487
- vercel/next.js#4647
- https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_event_exit
- https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_exit_code
- https://github.com/nodejs/node-v0.x-archive/blob/master/doc/api/process.markdown#exit-codes
- microsoft/TypeScript#12996
- https://corgibytes.com/blog/2017/04/18/npm-tips/
- https://stackabuse.com/how-to-exit-in-node-js/
- https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_process_argv
- https://github.com/gilamran/tsc-watch/blob/master/release.js
- https://openbase.io/js/tsc-watch
- https://github.com/gilamran/tsc-watch/blob/master/package.json
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/tsc-watch
- swr.now.sh - stale-while-revalidate - TypeScript ready - SSR support - hmm...
- each time an update is made run the following in order
npm run clear
npm run seed
- then double check to ensure that the data was pulled from the cloud correctly
npm run dev
- https://github.com/mars/heroku-nextjs-custom-server-express
- https://vercel.com/docs/configuration#introduction/configuration-reference
- direct path to prod server
"start": "node ./.next/production-server/server/index.js"
include after "scripts"
"heroku-run-build-script": "true"
- https://nextjs.org/blog/next-9-3 (03-09-2020)
- https://nextjs.org/blog/next-9-4 (05-11-2020)
- ESLint - JS Linter - parses source code into an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree), a JS-AST - JS-AST used by plugins to create assertions (lint rules)
- TypeScript - JS Superset, static code analyzer - TS compiler parsers code into a TS-AST - TS-AST - TS-AST !== JS-AST - Why? TS is a superset, it supports additional properties - annotations, decorators, generics, interfaces, enums, modules, tuples, etc
- Consider the following
const x: number = 1;
- when compiler parses TS→TS-AST, the "number" type annotation is represented
- ESLint cannot handle TS-AST alone
- ESLint is comprised of several libraries, more moving parts - ships with built-in parser, espree (estree in TS)
// from node_modules\@typescript-eslint\typescript-estree\dist\convert-comments.d.ts
import * as ts from "typescript";
import { TSESTree } from "./ts-estree";
* Convert all comments for the given AST.
* @param ast the AST object
* @param code the TypeScript code
* @returns the converted ESTreeComment
* @private
export declare function convertComments(
ast: ts.SourceFile,
code: string
): TSESTree.Comment[];
//# sourceMappingURL=convert-comments.d.ts.map
- use in a .ts file
import {
} from "@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree";
const code = `string of code to be parsed into an AST`;
// parses code with options provided, returns ESTree-compatible AST
const ast1 = parse(code, {
loc: true,
range: true
// accepts additional options relative to parse
// can generate an AST containing type information
const ast2 = parseAndGenerateServices(code, {
filePath: "/some/path",
loc: true,
project: "../tsconfig.json",
range: true
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree?activeTab=readme
- https://rmolinamir.github.io/typescript-cheatsheet/
- https://duncanleung.com/profile-measure-find-remove-slow-eslint-rules/
- https://github.com/typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint#how-does-typescript-eslint-work-and-why-do-you-have-multiple-packages
- https://github.com/eslint/espree
- https://duncanleung.com/why-slow-plugin-typescript-eslint-performance-issues/
- vercel/next.js#8841
- TypeScript-ESLint converts TS-AST into an ESLint AST - ESLint runs rules against AST generated by ESLint-JS parser → Espree - Espree: https://github.com/eslint/espree
- vscode-styled-components
- styled-components-snippets
dir is required- indicates to Next framework where app pages are located
dir is required- indicates to Next framework where static resources are located
mkdir pages public && npm init -y
npm i --save react react-dom && npm i --save-dev typescript @types/react @types/react-dom @types/node
- next, set up scripts in package.json
"scripts": {
"dev": "next",
"build": "next build",
"start": "next start"
- then, configure a TypeScript dev environment
touch tsconfig.json
- now start the dev script
npm run dev
- Next automatically populates tsconfig w/ default values upon launching dev
Now, create index.tsx in the
cd pages && touch index.tsx && cd ..
- Note: must export all page components as default functions when using the next framework
import React from "react";
import Head from "next/head";
export default function Front() {
return (
<title>Website Landing Page</title>
<main>Next is Now</main>
- https://styled-components.com/docs/api
- https://github.com/vercel/next.js/blob/master/examples/with-styled-components/pages/_document.js
- https://github.com/zeit/next.js/tree/canary/examples/with-styled-components
- overrides App component to control page initialization
- Allows for customizations such as
- Persisting layout between page changes
- Keeping state when navigating pages
- Custom error handling using 'componentDidCatch'
- Inject additional data into pages
- Add global CSS (such as is done in this app)
prop is the active page- when navigating between routes,
will change to the new page - therefore, any props sent to
will be received by the page
- when navigating between routes,
is an obj w/ the initial props preloaded for the page by one of the data fetching methods- custom app advanced features: https://nextjs.org/docs/advanced-features/custom-app
- data fetching methods: https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/data-fetching
- typescript specific: https://nextjs.org/docs/basic-features/typescript#custom-app
const MyApp = ({ Component, pageProps }) => {
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<GlobalStyle theme={theme} />
<Header />
<main className="main">
<Component {...pageProps} />
<Footer />
export default MyApp;
- augments html and body declarations for appication
- includes initial props for expressing asynchronous server-rendering data requirements
- The following are required imports from 'next/document' for the page to be properly rendered
<Head />
<Main />
<NextScript />
- This can showcase recent projects, projects in progress, example websites for specific usecases (eg restaurants), etc
- starting from the root directory
cd components && mkdir Feed && cd Feed && touch index.tsx && cd ../..
- a section component and its corresponding style file must also be created as follows
- again, starting from the root directory
cd components && mkdir Section && cd Section && touch index.tsx && cd ../Style && mkdir Section && cd Section && touch index.ts && cd ../../..
- Post, another component, and its corresponding style file must also be created
cd components && mkdir Post && cd Post && touch index.tsx && cd ../Style && mkdir Post && cd Post && touch index.ts && cd ../../..
- whew lad, bash proficiency -> optimal efficiency
- always try to start in the root and end in the root (best practice)
- https://nextjs.org/docs/api-reference/next/router
- ./pages/post/[id].tsx
- destructure pathname and query props from useRouter hook
import React, { FunctionComponent } from "react";
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
const Post: FunctionComponent = () => {
const { pathname, query } = useRouter();
return (
Pathname: {pathname};<br />
Post Id: {query.id}
export default Post;
-   or ·, for example
- https://www.toptal.com/designers/htmlarrows/punctuation/middle-dot/
- used in ./components/PostBody/index.tsx for simplicity sake
- Add text preprocessing to avoid leaving an opening for XSS attacks (REVISIT)
import React, { FunctionComponent } from "react";
import Link from "next/link";
import { Post } from "../../shared";
import {
} from "../Style";
interface PostBodyProps {
post: Post;
export const PostBody: FunctionComponent<PostBodyProps> = ({ post }) => {
return (
<img src={post.image} alt={post.title} />
<ContentPostBody dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: post.content }} />
<Link href="/category/[id]" as={`/category/${post.category}`}>
<a href={post.source}>Source</a>
module.exports = {
parser: "@typescript-eslint/parser",
extends: [
parserOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 2020,
sourceType: "module",
ecmaFeatures: {
jsx: true
plugins: ["@typescript-eslint", "prettier"],
env: {
node: true,
es6: true,
browser: true
rules: {
// could set "indent": [true, "tabs", 1]
"react/prop-types": "off",
indent: "off",
"@typescript-eslint/indent": "off",
"@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type": "off",
"prettier/prettier": "error"
settings: {
react: {
version: "detect"
- Next.js, Apollo Client/Server, and TypeScript on a single Express app - https://dev.to/givehug/next-js-apollo-client-and-server-on-a-single-express-app-55l6
Wasted renders
Bundle size
Expensive operations
on configuring babel with styled components - styled-components/babel-plugin-styled-components#78
"presets": [
"preset-env": {},
"transform-runtime": {},
"styled-jsx": {},
"class-properties": {}
"plugins": [
"ssr": true,
"displayName": true,
"preprocess": false
"babel": {
"presets": [
Ordering matters for Plugins/Presets - Plugins run before presets - Plugin ordering is first to last - Preset ordring is last to first - https://babeljs.io/docs/en/6.26.3/plugins#plugin-preset-ordering
The super tiny compiler - walks you through writing a custom compiler to parse code into an AST - https://github.com/jamiebuilds/the-super-tiny-compiler/blob/master/the-super-tiny-compiler.js
MongoDB Atlas with Next - https://github.com/kukicado/building-modern-app-with-nextjs-and-mongodb
revisit server