Video Demo:
I will start with a description of how the site looks and how to navigate it, and also discuss its functionality, after that, I will explain what each file contains at the end of this file.
Hello, so first all the concept, the CRUD System in spirit was supposed to be similar to Excel or Google Sheets, where users could log on to the site and create their databases, where in each database the user could have several tables to their desire, while creating each table the user will be able to select the number of columns and even their datatypes, the project was created using Flask, Python, HTML5, CSS3, SQlit3, Bootstrap5, Javascript and Jinja2.
First of all the user is prompted with the login page, the user has to enter the credentials of their account if one does exist, incorrect credentials will prompt the user with an alert explaining what criterion was not met.
If the user doesn't already have an account they will need to register an account, to access the register page the user just simply clicks on the Register Link below the Log In button.
Register page is then rendered for the user, the user now has to input all of the required fields to create a valid account, certain criteria must be met, and failing to meet any of them will result in an alert explaining what criterion wasn't met.
- All data fields are populated
- Uniqueness of Username
- Password is at least 8 characters long
- Password and the confirmation match
After the user successfully logs in or registers an account, they are redirected to the homepage, the homepage is where all the databases of the user are available, and where the user can create or delete databases, the page consists of a small form, the select menu automatically populates with all the available databases of the user, to access the database click on it from the select menu and hit the select button.
For a fresh account there will be no databases and, therefore no options to select from in the select menu, to create a database hit the green create button, if a user wants to delete an existing database simply hit the red delete button.
The user will then proceed to insert the desired name and press create, the user must enter a name or they will be prompted with an alert, the database name must be different from already existing databases for the user.
If the user decides not to create a database and wants to back to the homepage, simply click on the home button in the Navbar in the top left corner.
Caution: Deleted data can not be restored.
If the user decides not to create a database and wants to back to the homepage, simply click on the home button in the Navbar in the top left corner.
After the user selects a database from the homepage they will be redirected to the edit database page, this is where the data handling will happen, the user can select a table from the selected database to edit, and the user can also delete an existing table, or create a new table.
Table Name must not start with a number.
After the user inputs the number of columns required and hits Load button, the page is automatically updated with new inputs for the column name and datatype equal to the number of desired columns.
All input fields are mandatory.
The user will begin filling the columns' info, Column name must not start with a number, and if no exact datatype is selected then the datatype will default to text.
Deleted Data can not be restored
After hitting Delete the user is redirected to the edit database page again.
The user can edit rows by inserting the wanted values in each data field and then clicking the blue button with the pencil icon on it, (Edit).
The user can delete a row by clicking the red button with the trash icon on it. (Delete)
Only one row can be Deleted/Edited at a time.
The user can create a new row by inserting the wanted data in the last row and then clicking the green button with the plus on it (Add), if no data is given in the fields the newly added row is set to be blank.
Clicking the Select button without choosing a table will result in unloading the currently active table.
The user can click the Log out in the top right of the screen to log out of the current account.
And this is it, the tabular data management system, the user can create an account, make their databases, delete them, or edit them, within each database the user can create their tables and edit them or delete them if they want.
-, basically the main file, where all the logic is applied, deals with all GET and POST requests, including all the redirects and functions and -, green for the required login functionality.
main.db This is the main database it includes 2 tables, the users table which stores the user's unique autoincrementing ID, username, and hash of their password, and also includes the ref table, which includes the IDs of the users and their respective databases.
static folder, it includes the CSS file that is the same file from the CS50 finance problem set for the nav bar CSS
requirements.txt, includes the required Python packages in this project.
layout.html, includes the layout of the nav bar and the page background
apology.html, contains the apology that appears in case of errors.
createdb.html and createtb.html, include the HTML for the creation pages, where the createtb uses javascript to change the HTML of the page to load the required amount of input field pairs.
index.html, html of the main page where the user selects the database required to navigate.
deletedb.html and deletetb.html, including the within the deletion pages, uses Jinja and javascript to auto-populate the select fields with the available tables or databases.
login.html and register.html, include the HTML for the login and register page
editdb.html, includes HTML of the page where the user will select a table to edit, where the page uses jinja and HTML to display the tables in the select field and also to change the page's HTML to view the table once selected by the user and edit the table's content