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RailRoadRailRoad generates models and controllers diagrams in DOT language for a Rails application.
This is a patched version based on the original v0.5.0.
I (Peter Hoeg) am not trying to hijack Javier’s project, but since he hasn’t released any new versions since May ‘08, I figured I’d better put one out in order to make railroad work with rails v2.3.
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UsageRun RailRoad on the Rails application’s root directory. You can redirect its output to a .dot file or pipe it to the dot or neato utilities to produce a graphic. Model diagrams are intended to be processed using dot and controller diagrams are best processed using neato.
railroad [options] command
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To use for your Rails appThis will give you access to rake tasks creating diagrams.
Add to Gemfile or to environment.rb
put into [RAILS_ROOT]/lib/tasks railroad.rb file:
$VERBOSE = nil Dir["#{Gem.searcher.init_gemspecs.find { |gs| gs.name == 'railroad' }.full_gem_path}/lib/tasks/*.rake"].each { |ext| load ext }
in Rakefile add:
require 'tasks/railroad'
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OptionsCommon options:
-b, --brief Generate compact diagram (no attributes nor methods) -e, --exclude file1[,fileN] Exclude given files -i, --inheritance Include inheritance relations -l, --label Add a label with diagram information (type, date, migration, version) -o, --output FILE Write diagram to file FILE -v, --verbose Enable verbose output (produce messages to STDOUT)
Models diagram options:
-a, --all Include all models (not only ActiveRecord::Base derived) --hide-magic Hide magic field names --hide-types Hide attributes type -j, --join Concentrate edges -m, --modules Include modules -p, --plugins-models Include plugins models -t, --transitive Include transitive associations (through inheritance)
Controllers diagram options:
--hide-public Hide public methods --hide-protected Hide protected methods --hide-private Hide private methods
Other options:
-h, --help Show this message --version Show version and copyright
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Commands-M, --models Generate models diagram -C, --controllers Generate controllers diagram -A, --aasm Generate "acts as state machine" diagram
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Examplesrailroad -o models.dot -M Produces a models diagram to the file 'models.dot' railroad -a -i -o full_models.dot -M Models diagram with all classes showing inheritance relations railroad -M | dot -Tsvg > models.svg Model diagram in SVG format railroad -C | neato -Tpng > controllers.png Controller diagram in PNG format railroad -h Shows usage help
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Processing DOT filesTo produce a PNG image from model diagram generated by RailRoad you can issue the following command:
dot -Tpng models.dot > models.png
If you want to do the same with a controller diagram, use neato instead of dot:
neato -Tpng controllers.dot > controllers.png
If you want to produce SVG (vectorial, scalable, editable) files, you can do the following:
dot -Tsvg models.dot > models.svg neato -Tsvg controllers.dot > controllers.svg
Important: There is a bug in Graphviz tools when generating SVG files that cause a text overflow. You can solve this problem editing (with a text editor, not a graphical SVG editor) the file and replacing around line 12 “font-size:14.00;” by “font-size:11.00;”, or by issuing the following command (see “man sed”):
sed -i 's/font-size:14.00/font-size:11.00/g' file.svg
Note: For viewing and editing SVG there is an excellent opensource tool called Inkscape (similar to Adobe Illustrator. For DOT processing you can also use Omnigraffle (on Mac OS X).
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RailRoad as a rake taskThe following task is based on Thomas Ritz code, www.galaxy-ritz.de, and then slightly modified.
In your Rails application, put the following rake tasks into ‘lib/task/diagrams.rake’:
namespace :doc do namespace :diagram do format = 'svg' common_options = '-i -l' old_font = 'font-size:14.00' new_font = 'font-size:11.00' desc "Generate model diagrams" task :models do sh "railroad #{common_options} -a -m -M | dot -T#{format} | sed 's/#{old_font}/#{new_font}/g' > doc/models.#{format}" end desc "Generate controller diagrams" task :controllers do sh "railroad #{common_options} -C | neato -T#{format} | sed 's/#{old_font}/#{new_font}/g' > doc/controllers.#{format}" end end desc "Create diagrams of models and controllers" task :diagrams => %w(diagram:models diagram:controllers) end
Then, ‘rake doc:diagrams’ produces ‘doc/models.svg’ and ‘doc/controllers.svg’.
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RequirementsRailRoad has been tested with the following Ruby and Rails versions
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1.1.6 to 1.2.3
There are no additional requirements (nevertheless, all your Rails application requirements must be installed).
In order to view/export the DOT diagrams, you’ll need the processing tools from Graphviz.
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Website and Project Home¶ ↑
LicenseRailRoad is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
See LICENSE for details.
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CopyrightCopyright © 2007-2008 Javier Smaldone Copyright © 2009 Peter Hoeg
See LICENSE for details.
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AuthorsSee AUTHORS for details.