
A custom Kubernetes Controller which polls Doppler's servers and updates environment variables automatically.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

ℹ️ This project has been replaced with the Doppler Kubernetes Operator.

Doppler Kubernetes Controller (experimental)

Automatically sync secrets from Doppler to Kubernetes with auto-reload of Deployments when secrets change.

Doppler Kubernetes Controller Diagram

Step 1. Deploying the Doppler Controller

Deploy the controller by running:

kubectl apply -f doppler-crd-controller.yml
kubectl rollout status -w deployment/doppler-controller --namespace doppler-controller

Step 2. Creating a DopplerSecret

The first step is to create a custom DopplerSecret resource, consisting of a name and a Doppler Service Token.

Upon DopplerSecret creation, the controller creates an associated Kubernetes secret, populating it with the secrets fetched from the Doppler API in Key-Value format.

To follow along with an example, update the code below with a real Service Token and save as doppler-secret.yml:

apiVersion: doppler.com/v1
kind: DopplerSecret 
  name: dopplersecret-test # DopplerSecret resource name
  serviceToken: dp.st.dev.XXXX # Change to your Doppler Service Token
  secretName: doppler-test-secret # Kubernetes Secret name

Then create the DopplerSecret:

kubectl apply -f doppler-secret.yml

Check that the associated Kubernetes secret has been created:

# List all Kubernetes secrets created by the Doppler controller
kubectl describe secrets --selector=dopplerSecret=true

# Or to view secret values
./bin/get-secret.sh doppler-test-secret

The controller continuously watches for secret updates from Doppler and when detected, automatically and instantly updates the associated secret.

Next, we'll cover how to configure a deployment to use the Kubernetes secret and enable auto-reloading for Deployments.

Step 3. Configuring a Deployment

To use the secret created by the Controller, we'll use the envFrom field to populate a container's environment variables using the secrets's Key-Value pairs:

  - secretRef:
    name: mysecret # Matches the DopplerSecret name

Adding automatic and instant reloading of a deployment requires just a single annotation on the Deployment:

  dopplersecrets.doppler.com/reload: 'true'

Let's look at a complete example that uses previously created DopplerSecret. Save the below as doppler-deployment.yml:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: doppler-test-deployment
    dopplersecrets.doppler.com/reload: 'true'
  replicas: 2
      app: doppler-test
        app: doppler-test
        - name: doppler-test
          image: alpine
          command: ['/bin/sh', '-c', 'apk add --no-cache tini > /dev/null 2>&1 && printenv | grep -v KUBERNETES_ && tini -s tail -f /dev/null'] # Test by printing env var names          
          imagePullPolicy: Always
            - secretRef:
                name: doppler-test-secret # Should match DopplerSecret.spec.secretName
              memory: '250Mi'
              cpu: '250m'
              memory: '500Mi'
              cpu: '500m'      

Create the deployment:

kubectl apply -f doppler-deployment.yml
kubectl rollout status -w deployment/doppler-test-deployment

Once the Deployment has completed, you can view the logs of the test container, which lists the environment variables (minus those with the KUBERNETES_ prefix):

kubectl logs -lapp=doppler-test 

Debugging and Troubleshooting

NOTE: The watch binary is used by the below commands and can be installed on macOS using homebrew with brew install watch.

This repo contains a couple of handy scripts that give greater visibility into the secret and deployment updating process.

To watch a Doppler owned secret for updates:

# Replace `doppler-test-secret` with your secret name
./bin/get-secret.sh doppler-test-secret

To watch the logs of a running Pod:

# Replace `app=doppler-test` with your deployment label selector
watch ./bin/pod-logs.sh app=doppler-test