TODAYS PROGRESS: Today I worked on basic HTML and HTML5 elements on free code camp.
THOUGHTS: It was interesting to learn the responsibilities of the HTML elements and how they play into an overall web page.
TODAYS PROGRESS: I learned how to create ordered and unordered lists in addition to creating dead links and place holder text.
THOUGHTS: Although I was not up to the challenge today, it feels so good to defeat the lazy monster and continue my learning journey.
TODAYS PROGRESS: I finished the HTML and HTML 5 learning section on free code camp.
THOUGHTS: I'm so happy to be finished with this section. I understand that HTML is a major key to web development and just by finishing this section, it has given me motivation to move on.
TODAYS PROGRESS: Started learning basic CSS functions.
THOUGHTS: Basic CSS function does not seem to basic to me. It is such a huge part of the overall look of a web page.
TODAYS PROGRESS: I'm midway with the CSS course on Free Code Camp.
THOUGHTS: There are so many options to changing the style of a web page. I'm commiting to practicing the various ways of executing a function so I can become well versed with options.
TODAYS PROGRESS: I reviewed basic HTML by taking a quick course on youtube and created an HTML cheat sheet.
THOUGHTS: I thought that needed to cement my knowledge of what I know. This was a helpful review.
TODAYS PROGRESS: I finished CSS on the free code camp.
THOUGHTS: I'm feel like I have achieved a milestone with having knowledge of HTML and CSS, but of course I'm not naive to the fact that I need more practice.
TODAYS PROGRESS: Began an HTML project on the Odin Project, which is to make a google homepage.
THOUGHTS: The tasks seems challenging. I have not fully dived into it yet, being that I am doing alot of reading.
TODAYS PROGRESS: I progressed well with recreating a google homepage. Added the logo, search bar, and submit buttons.
THOUGHTS: I ran into a few difficulties with configuring the margins of the search bar, which I later searched on google to help with the process.
TODAYS PROGRESS: worked on learning about the fundamentals ofJavascript. Primarily Numbers and variables. Toggled with various posibilities in the console
THOUGHTS: I'm curious as to how these elements will apply to JavaScript as a whole.
TOODAY'S PROGRESS: I did alot of reading today on the Odin Project, about working with images and embedding images on a site.
THOUGHTS: I'm excited to find various images and also use my personal images to add to my sites, it add alittle more of my creative side.